Cytology courses in india

  • Entry Requirements
    Candidates passed MSc MLT with Cytology as special subject or BSc MLT/BSc with DMT with experience in Cytology or IAC accredited Cytotechnician course are eligible to apply.
View the list of all Cytology Technicians Training Course Medical Laboratory Technology colleges in India conducting Cytology Technicians Training Course 

How can I become a cytotechnologist at Indiana University?

Undergraduate students at Indiana University interested in pursuing a Bachelor degree in cytotechnology are encouraged to apply.
This program prepares competent entry-level cytotechnologists in the cognitive (knowledge), psychomotor (skills) and affective (behavior) learning domains.


What courses do cytologists take?

Many programs devote their first 2-3 years to preparatory courses in biology, cell biology, chemistry and human physiology.
Cytology-specific courses might include:

  1. cytological lab methods
  2. molecular diagnostics and respiratory
  3. gastrointestinal
  4. urinary and breast cytology

Some programs include:a clinical practicum.

What is the cytology training centre?

The Cytology Training Centre was opened in 1990 here at Southmead Hospital.
It has since flourished, becoming a nationally recognized centre of excellence in the provision of cytology training and updating for medical and non-medical laboratory staff in the South West Region and beyond.


What is the International Academy of Cytology?

The International Academy of Cytology (IAC) serves as an umbrella organisation for over 52 national societies of cytology worldwide.
Below you’ll see a list of these cytology societies, with links to their website if they have one.
Upcoming Events From Around The World.


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