Cytology study definition

  • What are the methods of studying cytology?

    cy\xb7​tol\xb7​o\xb7​gy sī-ˈtä-lə-jē 1. a. : a branch of biology dealing with the structure, function, multiplication, pathology, and life history of cells : cell biology..

  • What is cytology defined as a study of?

    Scrape or brush cytology: This procedure involves scraping or brushing some cells from the organ or tissue that's being tested.
    Some areas where doctors use scrape or brush cytology include the breathing tubes that lead to the lungs, cervix (for a Pap test), esophagus, mouth and stomach..

  • What is the meaning of cytological study?

    The study of cells, their origin, structure, function and pathology.
    Cytology is the branch of biology dealing with the morphology, structure, ultrastructure, life cycle, and pathology of cells.Oct 29, 2003.


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Cytology study synonyms
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Cytological study means
Cytopathology study
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Cytology example in a sentence
Cytopathology example
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