Cytology canine adenoma

  • What is the cytology of a perianal adenoma in a dog?

    The perianal gland adenoma is a benign tumour of the anal glands in the dog.
    The cells have a characteristic appearance in cytology: they have a cytoplasm which is moderately abundant and which contains fine granules.
    The cells' nuclei have a uniform appearance and are located centrally or slightly eccentrically..

  • What is the cytology of a sebaceous adenoma?

    Sebaceous hyperplasia and sebaceous adenomas are cytologically indistinguishable.
    They are highly cellular and consist of multiple clusters of uniform sebaceous epithelial cells.
    Grossly, sebaceous adenomas appear as pedunculated wart-like masses, whereas sebaceous hyperplasia may appear as a thickened area of skin.Nov 10, 2021.

  • Cytologic Classification
    Many neoplasms present as discrete masses in the skin or subcutaneous tissue or within an organ.
    It is important to understand the cytology of healthy tissue cells in order to recognize a pathologic process, such as a tumor.
  • Cytological findings
    Cytological examination indicated mast cells with numerous metachromatic stained granules.
    Nuclei were varied in size and shape with high nuclear'to'cytoplasmic ratio, prominent nucleoli, marked atypical and mitotic figures.
  • In general, the more malignant the cell, the less differentiated it becomes and the more variation there is in the cell morphology.
    Benign tumors have cells that are often uniform in size with a uniform nucleus:cytoplasm ratio; they strongly resemble or are identical to the cell of origin.
In Summary. Cytology is a useful diagnostic tool, especially in the evaluation of neoplasia. It is a noninvasive technique with sometimes immediate results. 
In Summary. Cytology is a useful diagnostic tool, especially in the evaluation of neoplasia. It is a noninvasive technique with sometimes immediate results.  Sebaceous Adenomas: Clusters of uniform glandular epithelial cells; Cytoplasm: Abundant and filled with discrete cytoplasmic v
Basal Cell Tumors: Small, round cells that occur in clusters or linear rows or ribbons; Cytoplasm: Scant rim of pale basophilic cyto
Squamous Cell Carcinomas: Round to polygonal shaped cells; Cytoplasm: Basophilic in varying amounts; often keratinized; Nuc
Trichoblastomas: Cells are often larger than those of basal cell tumors; Cytoplasm: Scant rim of basophilic cytoplasm; Nuclei: Pro

Clinical significance

Submandibular lymph nodes are often difficult to assess.
They drain the buccal and nasal areas and are subject to strong antigenic stimuli.
They frequently undergo hyperplasia, often histologically atypical, especially in cats.
Cats also develop unusual neoplastic conditions affecting this node, such as the T cellrich B-cell lymphoma and Hodgkin-li.


How is a circumanal gland adenoma diagnosed in dogs?

The tumor’s location and distinctive cytologic appearance are often sufficient for a cytologic diagnosis.
The ability to cytologically diagnose a circumanal gland adenoma is critical in order to differentiate this benign perianal tumor from anal sac adenocarcinoma, which characteristically has significant malignant potential in dogs.


Other animals

Of the most commonly encountered veterinary species, rabbits and guinea pigs have inflammatory cells equivalent to neutrophils in other species, but have eosinophilic cytoplasmic granules.
These are called heterophils.
They can be difficult to distinguish from eosinophils.
The cellular equivalent to neutrophils in birds and reptiles are also hetero.


Signs and symptoms

Lymphocytes are usually small with very little cytoplasm and smudged chromatin with no nucleoli.
The almost-round nuclei are similar in size to those of red cells.
RBCs are often present in cytology preparations, where they can be used as a comparative and absolute scale.
RBCs vary slightly with species; in dogs, RBCs are ~7 microns in diameter.


What are the most common cutaneous epithelial tumors in dogs?

Some of the more common cutaneous epithelial tumors include:

  1. Squamous cell carcinoma

Sebaceous adenomas are benign and fairly common in dogs but less so in cats. 1 Surgical excision should be curative.
See Table 1 for a list of cytologic characteristics.

What is perianal gland adenoma in dogs?

The perianal gland adenoma is a benign tumour of the anal glands in the dog.
The cells have a characteristic appearance in cytology:

  1. they have a cytoplasm which is moderately abundant and which contains fine granules

The cells’ nuclei have a uniform appearance and are located centrally or slightly eccentrically.

What is the cytology of an Anal sac adenocarcinoma in dogs?

Cytologic examination of a fine-needle aspirate from an anal sac adenocarcinoma in a dog.
The relatively uniform and homogeneous appearance of the neoplastic cells may be observed.
There is little to no evidence of cellular or nuclear atypia (i.e.criteria of malignancy) (Wright’s-Giemsa stain; 1,000X).


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