Cytology basal cell carcinoma

  • How do you identify basal cell carcinoma histology?

    The histopathology of BCC is largely characterized by aggregates of basal cells with a small cytoplasm and large, hyperchromatic nuclei, apoptotic cells, all included in a fibromyxoid stroma, with tumor retraction spaces..

  • How do you identify basal cell carcinoma?

    A small pink growth with a slightly raised, rolled edge and a crusted indentation in the center that may develop tiny surface blood vessels over time.
    A scar-like area that is flat white, yellow or waxy in color.
    The skin appears shiny and taut, often with poorly defined borders..

  • How is basal cell carcinoma identified?

    Your doctor may do a skin biopsy, which involves removing a small sample of a lesion for testing in a laboratory.
    This will reveal whether you have skin cancer and, if so, what type of skin cancer.
    The type of skin biopsy you undergo will depend on the type and size of the lesion..

  • What are the histologic features of basal cell carcinoma?

    The histopathology of BCC is largely characterized by aggregates of basal cells with a small cytoplasm and large, hyperchromatic nuclei, apoptotic cells, all included in a fibromyxoid stroma, with tumor retraction spaces..

  • What is basal cell carcinoma of skin cytology?

    Cytologic features suggestive of basal cell carcinoma included increased numbers of small, uniform hyperchromatic, relatively little cytoplasmic cell clusters.
    The peripheral cells appeared in monolayer form as a papillated outline with very strong cellular cohesion.
    Scattered tumor cells were seldom seen..

  • What is the histology of basal cell carcinoma?

    Histology of basal cell carcinoma
    The key feature of basal cell carcinoma at low power magnification is of a basaloid epithelial tumour arising from the epidermis (figure 1).
    The basaloid epithelium typically forms a palisade with a cleft forming from the adjacent tumour stroma (figure 2)..

  • A shiny, skin-colored bump that's translucent, meaning you can see a bit through the surface.
    The bump can look pearly white or pink on white skin.
    On brown and Black skin, the bump often looks brown or glossy black.
    Tiny blood vessels might be visible, though they may be difficult to see on brown and Black skin.
  • Basal cell adenomas are unique benign salivary gland tumors affecting women over 50 years of age comprising 1–3% of all salivary gland tumors. [1,2] Cytologically, they mimic several benign and malignant salivary and non-salivary gland tumors, warranting thorough histopathological examination.
Feb 25, 2020The cytological features were grouped into three broad categories: basal cells, squamous cells, and other findings. The system of evaluation is  AbstractIntroductionResultsDiscussion
Cytological diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma versus Bowen disease depends on the specific type of the last one. So, distinction from pagetoid variant (cells with clear cytoplasm) is easier while verrucous-hyperkeratotic or papillated variants are more difficult to differentiate from squamous cell carcinoma.
The cytology was performed by three different techniques always in the same order: scrapping the tumor surface with a scalpel, scratching a part of the tumor with a scalpel or imprinting the tumor in a glass slide.

Does exfoliative cytology detect basal cell carcinoma?

To determine the diagnostic accuracy of exfoliative cytology for detecting basal cell carcinoma (BCC) in adults, and to compare its accuracy with that of standard diagnostic practice (visual inspection with or without dermoscopy).


Histology of Basal Cell Carcinoma

The key feature of basal cell carcinoma at low power magnification is of a basaloid epithelial tumour arising from the epidermis (figure 1).
The basaloid epithelium typically forms a palisade with a cleft forming from the adjacent tumour stroma (figure 2).
Centrally the nuclei become crowded with scattered mitotic figures and necrotic bodies eviden.


Special Stains

Basal cell carcinoma stains positively with cytokeratin, though favouring cytokeratins from the follicularepithelium.
BerEP4 is diffusely present in most tumours, while EMA is infrequently positive.


Variants of Basal Cell Carcinoma

Superficial BCC: This variant show multifocal nests of atypical basaloid epithelium arising as buds from the basal layer of the epidermis.
These nests remain confined to the papillary dermis(Figure 5) Nodular BCC: The tumour forms a solid tumour nodule or nodules which may extend into subcutaneoustissues.
Cartilaginous invasion is unusual (figure 1.


What does Bcc mean in cytology?

Summary ROC plot of exfoliative cytology to detect BCC in patients with suspected BCCs, showing classification of 'possible BCCs' as test positives or as test negatives.

  1. basal cell carcinoma; CI:
  2. confidence interval; cSCC:
  3. cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

What is basal cell carcinoma (BCC)?

Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) arises from the interfollicular or follicular epithelium Low disease associated death rate; metastases to lung and bone exceptionally rare When multiple, associated with a number of genetic conditions, including:

  1. basal cell nevus (Gorlin)
  2. Bazex-Dupré-Christol
  3. Rombo syndromes and xeroderma pigmentosum

What is metatypical basosquamous carcinoma (BCC)?

Basosquamous or metatypical BCC shows features of both BCC and SCC.
The exact nature of this lesion is controversial, but most reserve this term for the rare basal cell carcinoma composed of nests and strands of cells maturing into larger and paler cells without peripheral palisading.


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