Cytology failsafe

  • Can a smear test be wrong?

    No screening test is 100% effective
    an HPV infection or abnormal cells can sometimes be missed (a 'false negative' result) abnormal cells can develop and turn into cancer in between screening tests. there is a small chance that a result says abnormal cells are found when the cervix is normal (a 'false positive' result).

  • What is failsafe in cervical cytology?

    Failsafe is a backup mechanism.
    This makes sure that if something goes wrong in the screening, pathway processes are in place to identify what is going wrong, and what action should follow to ensure a safe outcome.Jul 17, 2019.

  • Prior Notification Lists (PNL) identify women who are due to be invited for cervical screening.
    They are an essential part of the call/recall programme and should be completed by GP practices each week to ensure that women are invited for screening at the appropriate time.
Jul 17, 2019Guidelines covering primary HPV and primary cytology screening pathways, to avoid and manage errors (or missed screens) during the cervical 
Jul 17, 2019This guidance aims to make sure that reasonable and effective failsafe measures are applied consistently across the NHS Cervical Screening 

Can a laboratory failsafe be closed?

In this case, the failsafe can be closed.
In these circumstances, PCSE is responsible for making enquiries and the transfer of screening records.
As part of the annual audit of the laboratory failsafe system, laboratories should keep a record of all women for whom colposcopy attendance and outcome (as per KC61) could not be established.


How can a centralised cytology laboratory reduce the number of Failsafe enquiries?

Access to histology and ideally, to colposcopy databases at all providers where biopsies are reported is crucial for a centralised laboratory referring women to several different colposcopy clinics.
This will reduce the number of failsafe enquiries the cytology laboratory has to perform for those:.


Is cervical cytology reporting failsafe (primary HPV)?

‘Cervical screening:

  1. cytology reporting failsafe (primary HPV )’ - with 4 related appendices ‘Cervical screening:
  2. cytology reporting failsafe (primary cytology) - with 4 related appendices Refer to the correct version of the guidance depending on whether primary HPV screening has been implemented or not

What is an example of a failsafe process?

For example, a failsafe process to make sure that every woman requiring colposcopy receives direct referral can exist within a broader process making sure that call and recall notify every woman of their screening result.
A failsafe overview is given in appendix 1:

  1. failsafe overview (primary HPV)


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