Victorian cytology registry

  • How do I find out when my last Pap smear was?

    When was your last Pap smear? Your doctor can advise you when your next Pap smear is due.
    The Pap smear register also keeps a confidential record of your results and can be contacted on 13 15 56..

  • Is cytology the same as Pap smear?

    The Pap test (also called a Pap smear or cervical cytology) collects cervical cells so they can be checked for changes caused by HPV that may—if left untreated—turn into cervical cancer.
    It can find precancerous cells and cervical cancer cells..

  • What is the National Cancer Screening Register?

    The National Cancer Screening Register (NCSR) supports the operations of the National Cervical Screening Program (NCSP) by providing a secure, confidential database of screening records.
    The NCSR invites women and people with a cervix aged 25 to 74 to have a Cervical Screening Test when they are due..

  • Why no Pap smears after 65?

    Unfortunately, you can still get cervical cancer when you are older than 65 years.
    The only way to know it is safe to stop being tested after age 65 is if you have had several tests in a row that didn't find cancer within the previous 10 years, including at least one in the previous five years..

  • Evidence-Based Answer
    The combination of an extended-tip spatula with an endocervical brush (Cytobrush) is the most effective method for obtaining cervical cells.
    Detection of endocervical cells is a good indication of adequate smears and detection of disease.
Jun 19, 2020This retention and disposal authority covers records documenting the function of managing organised cervical screening and registering Pap test 
Victorian Cervical Cytology Registry (VCCR) is a key component of the cervical screening program, recording results of most Pap smears performed in Victoria. The register contains a linked record for each woman, detailing Pap smear results and subsequent investigations.

When was the first cytology registry established?

The first registry to be established, the Victorian Cervical Cytology Registry was formed in 1989

This was followed in subsequent years by the establishment of individual registries in all Australian states and territories

When was the first Pap test registered in Australia?

In 1989, we established the first Pap Test Registry in Australia to support an organised approach to cervical cancer screening

2008 saw us establishing and operating the world’s first HPV vaccination program register on behalf of the Australian Department of Health


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