Dance learning objectives

  • What are the objectives of a dance group?

    To provide a platform for dance enthusiasts to perform and exchange dance knowledge.
    To improve the performance and training quality of members.
    To enhance members' dance interest, enthusiasm, and communication and build up good friendships through training and performances..

  • What are the objectives of modern dance?

    Modern dance technique builds physical, aesthetic and performance skills important to the development of a proficient contemporary dancer.
    Modern dance technique prepares the student to cultivate personal presence and perform with intentionality, clarity, and artistry..

  • What is the importance of learning how do you dance?

    Learning to dance will not only increase your social confidence, but it will also improve your fitness, your posture, and your coordination.
    It's also a skill that comes in handy at social events like parties and weddings, where dancing is often a central part of the celebration..

  • Which of the following is an objective of dance?

    Basic motives: self-expression and physical release
    One of the most basic motives of dance is the expression and communication of emotion..

  • Learning to dance will not only increase your social confidence, but it will also improve your fitness, your posture, and your coordination.
    It's also a skill that comes in handy at social events like parties and weddings, where dancing is often a central part of the celebration.
  • Modern dance technique builds physical, aesthetic and performance skills important to the development of a proficient contemporary dancer.
    Modern dance technique prepares the student to cultivate personal presence and perform with intentionality, clarity, and artistry.
  • The Elements of Dance are the foundational concepts and vocabulary that help students develop movement skills and understand dance as an artistic practice.
    This framework is a way to discuss any kind of movement.
  • Learn to process, analyze and respond to sensory information through the language and skills unique to dance.
  • Demonstrate increased movement skills, concentration and physical control in performing movement for artistic expression.
  • Learn to discriminate and use a wide range in the used of time, space, and energy.

Goals For Undergraduate Dance Education

The aim of the dance major is to develop students who are sensitive and articulate physical and verbal communicators of the visual art of dance; who are proficient in the analysis of dance in its cultural manifestations, leading them beyond knowledge of a culture to an understanding and celebration of difference; and who are flexible, creative thin.


Student Learning Objectives of The Major

The learning objectives for the major are consonant with the general philosophy of Trinity College of Arts & Sciences and with the departmental goals outlined above.
Majors should develop an understanding of the basic principles of choreography and performance, movement analysis, research methodologies and dance theory, and will be introduced to so.


What is dance content knowledge?

Dance content knowledge draws from many disciplines.
Dance shares movement terms and motor learning steps used in physical education.
Dance processes utilize the art processes of creating, performing, responding, and connecting.
Dance choreography utilizes concepts and forms from music, visual arts, theater, and literature.


Why is dance education important?

The overarching goal of dance education is to enrich students’ lives with lifelong skills, perspectives, sensibilities, and understandings enhancing their ability to dance and relate to experiences through dance.
Engaging students in the creation and study of aesthetically-based dance is a vehicle that teachers employ to promote student growth.


Why is research important in a dance curriculum?

Research, assessment, and evaluation are necessities to a dance curriculum in order to adapt lessons to the needs of the students while achieving professional goals through the advancement of students to the next level.
Teachers Use the Classroom as a Laboratory for Research and Reflection.


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