Data collection of mass movement

  • There are four different types of mass movement:

    Bits of rock fall off the cliff face, usually due to freeze-thaw weathering.Mudflow.
    Saturated soil (soil filled with water) flows down a slope.Landslide.
    Large blocks of rock slide downhill.Rotational slip.
    Saturated soil slumps down a curved surface.
  • Mass movement refers to the bulk movement of engineering soil and rock materials under the major control of gravity, including movements attributed to sloping terrains (i.e., “landslides”), vertical and lateral gravitational movements not necessarily attached to slopes, and gravity-controlled, mass-movement processes
  • Monitoring may occur 24/7 with a range of devices, such as inclinometers (slope-change detectors), bore-hole motion sensors, and GPS survey instruments.
    A simple mechanical device for monitoring is shown in Figure 7.3. 2.
    The lower end of the cable is attached to a block of rock that is unstable.
May 20, 2023Hydrological monitoring involves recording rainfall data, streamflow, and groundwater levels in the area at risk. In conclusion, collecting data 

What is a mass movement GSD?

For example, if grains >50 kg are present, >950 kg of sediment must be sieved

As a result, mass movement GSDs are often generated from smaller than ideal sample sizes, without the rigorous reporting of sampling that is common in fluvial geomorphology

Can record all three axes of a grain, which is useful when working with non-spherical grains

The term "mass movement of data collection" generally refers to the automated process of collecting large amounts of data from various sources. This process is typically implemented using advanced technologies such as big data management systems, artificial intelligence, and machine learning algorithms.
Data collection of mass movement
Data collection of mass movement

Cuban political organization

The 26th of July Movement was a Cuban vanguard revolutionary organization and later a political party led by Fidel Castro.
The movement's name commemorates the failed 1953 attack on the Moncada Barracks in Santiago de Cuba, part of an attempt to overthrow the dictator Fulgencio Batista.

19th- and 20th-century Christian movement

The Liturgical Movement was a 19th-century and 20th-century movement of scholarship for the reform of worship.
It began in the Catholic Church and spread to many other Christian churches including the Anglican Communion, Lutheran and some other Protestant churches.


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