Geophysical data acquisition processing and interpretation

  • What is geophysical data acquisition?

    Acquisition in the field of geophysics is the generation and recording of seismic data.
    The generation of seismic waves (elastic waves) is carried out by the source.
    A source can be either natural such as: earthquakes, or controlled (induced) such as dynamite.
    For exploration purposes, controlled sources are used..

  • What is geophysical data interpretation?

    What is geophysical interpretation? Geophysical interpretation is a fundamental part of petroleum and mineral exploration.
    The decision to drill for oil or minerals often depends on our ability to obtain reliable models of the earth by using geophysical data gathered at the earth's surface or in boreholes..

  • What is geophysical data processing?

    Data processing is a step between measuring geophysical data and plotting it.
    During this step, some errors in the measurements can be corrected.
    Also, different aspects of the data may be extracted..

  • What is the geophysical interpretation method?

    Geophysical methods provide both quantitative and qualitative information.
    Properties such as electrical resistance, seismic reflection/refraction, or magnetism can be used to interpret geologic characteristics such as porosity, permeability, water content of the formation, and/or mineralogy..

  • Geophysical methods provide both quantitative and qualitative information.
    Properties such as electrical resistance, seismic reflection/refraction, or magnetism can be used to interpret geologic characteristics such as porosity, permeability, water content of the formation, and/or mineralogy.
Our results demonstrate that this technique allows geophysical inversion to update the model preferentially in geologically less certain areas. It also 
The overall objective of the course is to introduce E&P professionals to the key concepts and principles that form the basis for value added geophysical 

Scholarly articles for geophysical data acquisition processing and interpretation › citations… data acquisition, processing and interpretation
PletsCited by 30
… : Processing, inversion, and interpretation of seismic …
YilmazCited by 4656
… processing techniques for interpretation of geophysical …
ButlerCited by 14
The stratigraphic interpretation of seismic data is frequently used in oil exploration. This requires high-resolution data which is currently the object of most 

What are the frontiers in geophysical data processing?

Foremost are the matters of verifying the mechanics of con- tinental drift, understanding earthquakes, and seeking to locate petroleum and minerals.
Thus, today, the frontiers in geophysical data processing lie in the recon- ciliation of field data with two- and three-dimensionally inhomogeneous models of the earth.


What is data processing?

Data processing is a step between measuring geophysical data and plotting it.
During this step, some errors in the measurements can be corrected.
Also, different aspects of the data may be extracted.
For example, one may accentuate broad or small patterns in a geophysical map; anomalies that extend in one direction may also be amplified or muted.


What is geophysical data processing?

Geophysical data processing begins with the study of the sampled time form of filter theory and spectral analysis.
The mathematical restraints imposed by the principle of causality are very important.
Even arbitrarily complex models of the earth are subject to this principle.


What is geophysical interpretation?

Geophysical interpretation is a fundamental part of petroleum and mineral exploration.
The decision to drill for oil or minerals often depends on our ability to obtain reliable models of the earth by using geophysical data gathered at the earth's surface or in boreholes.

Geophysical data acquisition processing and interpretation
Geophysical data acquisition processing and interpretation
Geco (Geophysical Company of Norway) was a European geophysical service company specializing in seismic surveys for petroleum exploration.
Starting operating in the North Sea from 1972, the company expanded to operate in most marine areas open for explorations, until Geco was incorporated into Geco-Prakla, with Schlumberger Limited as the solely owner from 1993.
Seismic wide-angle reflection and refraction is a technique used in geophysical investigations of Earth's crust and upper mantle.
It allows the development of a detailed model of seismic velocities beneath Earth's surface well beyond the reach of exploration boreholes.
The velocities can then be used, often in combination with the interpretation of standard seismic reflection data and gravity data, to interpret the geology of the subsurface.


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