Statistical method quotes

  • "Statistics has been the most successful information science." "Those who ignore Statistics are condemned to reinvent it." "if this [probability] calculus be condemned, then the whole of the sciences must also be condemned." "Our assent ought to be regulated by the grounds of probability."
  • How are statistics expressed?

    "Statistics has been the most successful information science." "Those who ignore Statistics are condemned to reinvent it." "if this [probability] calculus be condemned, then the whole of the sciences must also be condemned." "Our assent ought to be regulated by the grounds of probability.".

  • What is a famous quote about data analysis?

    “Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” “The business of the statistician is to catalyze the scientific learning process.” “If we have data, let's look at the data.
    If all we have are opinions, let's go with mine.”May 17, 2022.

  • What is a famous quote about statistics?

    “Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.” Mark Twain, 1835-1910. “All statistics have outliers.” Nenia Campbell, prolific, contemporary, American author.Mar 11, 2020.

  • What is a quote for statistics and probability?

    "Lies, damned lies, and statistics" is a phrase describing the persuasive power of statistics to bolster weak arguments, "one of the best, and best-known" critiques of applied statistics.
    It is also sometimes colloquially used to doubt statistics used to prove an opponent's point..

  • What is a quote for statistics and probability?

    “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” The article by Courtney quoted above is the published version of a speech on proportional representation (which was also Baines' subject) that was given in August 1895 in New York State, which may help explain how Mark Twain came to know the phrase..

  • What is statistics quotes?

    "Statistics has been the most successful information science." "Those who ignore Statistics are condemned to reinvent it." "if this [probability] calculus be condemned, then the whole of the sciences must also be condemned." "Our assent ought to be regulated by the grounds of probability.".

  • What is statistics quotes?

    One of the most frequent ways to represent statistics is by percentage.
    Percent simply means "per hundred" and the symbol used to express percentage is %..

  • What is the quote about statistical models?

    All models are wrong is a common aphorism and anapodoton in statistics; it is often expanded as "All models are wrong, but some are useful"..

  • What is the quote about statistics and lies?

    “Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” “The business of the statistician is to catalyze the scientific learning process.” “If we have data, let's look at the data.
    If all we have are opinions, let's go with mine.”May 17, 2022.

Statistics Quotes
  • "Statistics is the grammar of science."
  • "Statistics is, or should be, about scientific investigation and how to do it better, but many statisticians believe it is a branch of mathematics.
  • "In our lust for measurement, we frequently measure that which we can rather than that which we wish to measure
Statistics Quotes
  • There are lies, damned lies and statistics.
  • If your experiment needs statistics, you ought to have done a better experiment.
  • I can prove anything by statistics except the truth.
  • It is the mark of a truly intelligent person to be moved by statistics.
Statistics Quotes. Famous Quotes about Statistics. "We must be careful not to A statistical analysis, properly conducted, is a delicate dissection of 

Is statistics the grammar of Science?

Statistics Quotes Statistics Quotes "Statistics is the grammar of science." Karl Pearson "Statistics is, or should be, about scientific investigation and how to do it better,but many statisticians believe it is a branch of mathematics.


Statistical Quotes from Famous Living Statisticians

“Those who ignore statistics are condemned to reinvent it.”Bradley Efron (1938 – ), past president of the American Statistical Association and the Institute of mathematical Statistics. “Randomization is too important to be left to chance.”J.
Petruccelli, Professor at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.


Statistical Quotes from Famous Politicians

“There are three types of lies – lies, damn lies and statistics.” Benjamin Disraeli, 19thCentury British Prime Minister (also attributed to Mark Twain.) “A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.”Joseph Stalin, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1929 to 1953 and estimated by historians to be respon.


Statistical Quotes from Great Authors

“Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.” Mark Twain, 1835-1910. “All statistics have outliers.”Nenia Campbell, prolific, contemporary, American author. “Regression analysis is the hydrogen bomb of the statistics arsenal.”Charles Wheelan, Journalist “Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary a qualification for efficient citi.


What are some good statistics quotes?

Enjoy, as this is one of the most extensive and most complete quotes on statistics compilation you will find out there. “Data beats emotions.” “Above all else show the data.” “Data that is loved tends to survive.” “Statistics is the grammar of Science.” “Statistics are the heart of democracy.” “All statistics have outliers.” .


What do you think about statistics?

“Statistics real contribution to society is primarily moral, not technical.” “People can come up with statistics to prove anything — forty percent of all people know that.” “I’m a bit of a freak for evidence-based analysis.
I strongly believe in data.” “Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.” .


What We Thought Was The Oldest Statistical Quote

“By a small sample, we may judge of the whole piece.”Miguel de Cervantes, from his novel, Don Quixote, written from 1605-1615.


Why should you use statistical quotes in a presentation?

Statistical quotes can be fun and insightful and worth adding to your next presentation to provide an interesting alternative to the numbers.


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