Statistical methods for validation of predictive models

  • How do you validate a model prediction?

    Predictive Model Validation

    1. Both the training and test datasets should include similar data
    2. In most cases, the training dataset is much bigger than the test dataset
    3. Overfitting mistakes can be avoided by using the test dataset
    4. To assess how well the trained model will function, it is tested against test data

  • What are the statistical tools for model validation?

    2 Statistical tools in analytical method validation

    1. Mean.
    2. The mean or average of a data set is the basic and the most common statistics used. 2.
    3. Standard deviation
    4. . 2.
    5. Relative standard deviation
    6. . 2.
    7. Confidence interval
    8. . 2.
    9. Regression analysis
    10. . 2.
    11. The hypothesis tests
    12. . 2.
    13. Other statistical tools

  • What are the techniques used in predictive model validation?

    As previously stated, the validation of a predictive model requires to (i) divide a initial sample set into a training and validation datasets, (ii) infer a model with the training dataset, (iii) evaluate the quality of the model with the validation dataset by computing the aforementioned metrics.Jan 3, 2019.

  • 2 Statistical tools in analytical method validation

    1. Mean.
    2. The mean or average of a data set is the basic and the most common statistics used. 2.
    3. Standard deviation
    4. . 2.
    5. Relative standard deviation
    6. . 2.
    7. Confidence interval
    8. . 2.
    9. Regression analysis
    10. . 2.
    11. The hypothesis tests
    12. . 2.
    13. Other statistical tools
  • Cross-validation (CV), leave-one-out, or k-fold is the frequently used method for model validation.
    If validation with an independent dataset is not possible due to the small sample size, CV is very economical.
  • Many different validation methods are available.
    Cross-validation (CV), leave-one-out, or k-fold is the frequently used method for model validation.
    If validation with an independent dataset is not possible due to the small sample size, CV is very economical.
May 24, 2022The first one is categorizing predicted probabilities, often in deciles, such that observed proportions are calculated for a given bin of 

Bootstrap .632

To decrease bias, Efron58 proposed to modify a few of the previous steps considering that a bootstrap sample in average contains 63.2% of unique observations as follows: (iii) evaluate the predictive performance on the bootstrap sample and on the samples that were not selected in the bootstrap sample, i.e., hold-out data; (iv) calculate the optimis.


Do predictive models have statistical rigor?

Predictive models are widely used in clinical practice.
Despite of the increasing number of published AI systems, recent systematic reviews have identified lack of statistical rigor in the development and validation of predictive models.
This work reviewed the current literature for predictive performance measures and resampling methods.


Efron–Gong Bootstrap

It was introduced by Efron and Gong56 in the context of classification with accuracy as predictive performance measure.
Harrell57disseminated its use for others performance measures as described in the previous section.
The Efron–Gong bootstrap estimates the expected optimism of the apparent performance as follows: (i) generate a bootstrap sample; .


How do you assess the performance of a statistical prediction model?

There are various ways to assess the performance of a statistical prediction model.
The traditional statistical approach is to quantify how close predictions are to the actual outcome, using measures such as:

  1. explained variation (e
g. using R 2 statistics) and the Brier score 3.

K-Fold Cross-Validation

As a generalization of data splitting, cross-validation47,48,49 is a widespread resampling method that consists of the following steps: (i) split a sample into k mutually exclusive fixed folds; (ii) develop the predictive model based on k − 1 folds; (iii) calculate predictive performance measures based on the hold-out samples; (iv) repeat (ii)-(iii.


Nested Cross-Validation

In the standard cross-validation, when the same hold-out fold is used to tune hyperparameters of the predictive model and select among competing predictive models, the estimator of predictive performance will be optimistically biased.
Stone47 proposed nested cross-validation to reduce the bias in the predictive performance as follows: (i) split a s.


Repeated Cross-Validation

A large fraction of the variability on the cross-validation is because of the randomness of splitting the development sample into mutually exclusive k-folds.
Burman51 proposed repeating the cross-validation steps outlined above more than once considering different data partitions to reduce the variance of the predictive performance estimator given .


Should prediction models be validated?

BMJ 2016;352:i6. doi:10.1136/bmj.i6 pmid:26810254.
Validation of prediction models is highly recommended and increasingly common in the literature.
A systematic review of validation studies is therefore helpful, with meta-analysis needed to summarise the predictive performance of the model being validated across different settings and populations.


Split Sample

The simplest approach to address the optimism of apparent performance when estimating the predictive performance measures in the same sample that was used to develop the predictive model is to randomly split the sample into training and test46when the predictive model does not have hyperparameters to be tuned; otherwise, the sample can be split int.


What is the difference between predictive simulation and cross validation?

Cross validation is a method of model validation that iteratively refits the model, each time leaving out just a small sample and comparing whether the samples left out are predicted by the model:

  1. there are many kinds of cross validation

Predictive simulation is used to compare simulated data to actual data.
Statistical methods for validation of predictive models
Statistical methods for validation of predictive models

Ability of a scientific theory to generate testable predictions

The concept of predictive power, the power of a scientific theory to generate testable predictions, differs from explanatory power and descriptive power in that it allows a prospective test of theoretical understanding.


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