Data communication and networks important questions

  • How and why communication networks are important in our daily lives?

    So you name it: ultra sound machines, cell phones, Internet communications, banking transactions, e-learning, border security, transport networks, satellite imaging and the list goes on, are all made possible only through communication networks.
    This modern society we live in cannot do without it..

  • What are the five important components of data communications?


    1. COMPONENTS OF DATA COMMUNICATION These are sender, receiver, communication medium, the message to be communicated, and certain rules called protocols to be followed during communication.
    2. The communication media is also called transmission media.

  • What is the importance of data communication and networking?

    The main objective of data communication and networking is to enable seamless exchange of data between any two points in the world.
    This exchange of data takes place over a computer network.
    Data refers to the raw facts that are collected while information refers to processed data that enables us to take decisions.

  • Why is communication important in data communication?

    Data communication plays an important role in today's interconnected world and enables the exchange of information between devices and networks.
    Whether you're sending an email, making a video call, or browsing the web, data communication ensures that information flows smoothly..

  • Explain the types of transmission modes .
  • What is network topology ?
  • What are the different types of networks?
  • Explain the OSI reference model with neat diagram.(important question)
  • What is Shannon capacity for Noisy Channel ?
  • Explain AM , FM and PM.
DATA COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKS. IMPORTANT QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS. 1. Explain the types of transmission modes . Communication between two devices can beĀ 


Components of data communication system in computer networks
Data communications solutions
Data communications system has
A data communications system has five components
Data communication system major components
Data communication network
Radio data system
Communication db
Data communication lab
Data communication lab manual
Data communication ece
Data communication network system
Data communications ppt
City data systems
Simple data communication system
Data communication system with
Data communication system within a building or campus is mcq
Data communication system model
Data compression techniques
Data compression for backbone network