Data compressor

  • How do I compress a data string?

    The Compressor consists of: ✓ Preprocessing stage, and ✓ Encoding stage.
    The decompressor consists of a ✓ Decoding stage, followed by ✓ Post processing stage..

  • What are examples of data compression?

    "String Compression Algorithm” or “Run Length Encoding” happens when you compress a string, and the consecutive duplicates of each string are replaced with the character, followed by the consecutive, repeated character count.
    For example: After string compression, the string “aaaabbcddddd” would return “a4b2c1d5”..

  • What are the stages of data compression?

    You use software, such as Zip, to compress your data and then it is possible to transfer it.
    And at the other end, you decompress your data and get the original data back..

The process of reducing the size of a data file is often referred to as data compression. In the context of data transmission, it is called source coding:  LosslessLossyTheoryUses

How does data compression work?

At a high level, data compression works by encoding the original, target data in fewer bits, reducing the size of the data.
When needed, the data can be uncompressed, or decoded and retrieved.
The process involves two algorithms—one for compression and one for reconstruction.
The original data is reduced into an encoded representation of itself.


What factors affect the design of data compression schemes?

The design of data compression schemes involves trade-offs among various factors, including:

  1. the degree of compression
  2. the amount of distortion introduced (when using lossy data compression )
  3. the computational resources required to compress and decompress the data

What is a compressed file?

For data transmission, compression can be performed on the data content or on the entire transmission unit, including:

  1. header data

When information is sent or received via the internet, larger files -- either singly or with others as part of an archive file -- may be transmitted in a ZIP, GZIP or other compressed format.

How to compress phasor angle data?

To compress the phasor angle data, a new pre-processor is proposed (Tate, 2016)

An adaptive high-performance entropy encoder called GR coding is used and two stages are also involved

In the first stage, a new preprocessor based on frequency compensated differential encoding is proposed

In the second stage, GR encoding is used
Data compression, the process of reducing the amount of data needed for the storage or transmission of a given piece of information, typically by the use of encoding techniques.


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