Azure data lake compression

  • Can Azure Data Lake store unstructured data?

    The ability to store files of arbitrary sizes and formats makes it possible for Data Lake Storage Gen1 to handle structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data..

  • Does Azure compress data?

    Azure CDN from Microsoft doesn't support transcoding between formats and instead fetches data from origin, compresses and caches separately for the format.
    CDN performs a compression.
    CDN performs a compression if the origin returns an uncompressed file..

  • How does Azure data lake storage work?

    Azure Data Lake Storage is a cloud-based, enterprise data lake solution.
    It's engineered to store massive amounts of data in any format, and to facilitate big data analytical workloads.
    You use it to capture data of any type and ingestion speed in a single location for easy access and analysis using various frameworks..

  • What is Azure data lake used for?

    Azure Data Lake includes all the capabilities required to make it easy for developers, data scientists, and analysts to store data of any size, shape, and speed, and do all types of processing and analytics across platforms and languages..

  • What is the maximum file size in Azure Data Lake?

    the document says "No limits on account sizes or number of files.
    File size limited to .

    1. TB
    2. ." for Data lake gen 2, while Data lake gen2 landing page says "Your Data Lake Store can store trillions of files where a single file can be greater than a petabyte in size which is 200x larger than other cloud stores".

  • In Azure Data Lake Store, files have a read-after-write consistency (also sometimes referred to strong consistency).
    Directory listings are also strongly consistent.
  • Parquet file has the following compression-related options: NONE, SNAPPY, GZIP, and LZO.
    The service supports reading data from Parquet file in any of these compressed formats except LZO - it uses the compression codec in the metadata to read the data.
Aug 10, 2023Copy zipped files from an on-premises file system, decompress them on-the-fly, and write extracted files to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. Copy 

What data can be ingested into a data lake storage Gen2 account?

There are many different sources of data and different ways in which that data can be ingested into a Data Lake Storage Gen2 enabled account.
For example, you can ingest large sets of data from HDInsight and Hadoop clusters or smaller sets of ad hoc data for prototyping applications.


What is a premium tier for Azure Data Lake storage?

This combination of using premium block blob storage accounts along with a Data Lake Storage enabled account is referred to as the premium tier for Azure Data Lake Storage.
When ingesting data from a source system, the source hardware, source network hardware, or the network connectivity to your storage account can be a bottleneck.


What is Azure Data Lake storage Gen2?

For general suggestions around structuring a data lake, see these articles:

  1. Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 isn't a dedicated service or account type

It's a set of capabilities that support high throughput analytic workloads.
The Data Lake Storage Gen2 documentation provides best practices and guidance for using these capabilities.

What is Azure Storage logs in azure monitor?

Azure Storage logs in Azure Monitor is a new preview feature for Azure Storage which allows for a direct integration between your storage accounts and Log Analytics, Event Hubs, and archival of logs to another storage account utilizing standard diagnostic settings.


This article provides best practice guidelines that help you optimize performance, reduce costs

Find documentation

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 isn't a dedicated service or account type. It's a set of capabilities that support high throughput analytic workloads

Consider premium

If your workloads require a low consistent latency and/or require a high number of input output operations per second (IOP)

Optimize for data ingest

Source hardware Whether you're using on-premises machines or Virtual Machines (VMs) in Azure

Structure data sets

File formats Data can be ingested in various formats. Data can appear in human readable formats such as JSON, CSV

Set up security

Start by reviewing the recommendations in the Security recommendations for Blob storage article

Ingest, process, and analyze

There are many different sources of data and different ways in which that data can be ingested into a Data Lake Storage Gen2 enabled account

Monitor telemetry

Monitoring the use and performance is an important part of operationalizing your service. Examples include frequent operations

See also

1. Key considerations for Azure Data Lake Storage 2

How do I copy data to Azure Data Lake storage Gen2?

Copy data from a SQL Server database and write to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 in Parquet format

Copy files in text (CSV) format from an on-premises file system and write to Azure Blob storage in Avro format

Copy zipped files from an on-premises file system, decompress them on-the-fly, and write extracted files to Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

How to read a gzip file in Azure Data Lake store?

Read zip file from FTP server, decompress it to get the files inside, and land those files in Azure Data Lake Store

You define an input FTP dataset with the compression type property as ZipDeflate

Read a GZIP-compressed data from an Azure blob, decompress it, compress it using BZIP2, and write result data to an Azure blob

How to read data from a plain-text file in Azure Data Lake store?

Read data from a plain-text file from on-premises File System, compress it using GZip format, and write the compressed data to an Azure blob

You define an output Azure Blob dataset with the compression type property as GZip

Read zip file from FTP server, decompress it to get the files inside, and land those files in Azure Data Lake Store


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