Compress data set sas

  • How do I reduce the size of a dataset in SAS?

    SAS can use compression algorithms to compress SAS data sets.
    This is a process of reducing the amount of space needed to store a SAS data set - it does not affect the data stored within that SAS data set.
    Using the COMPRESS= system or data set option, any SAS data set created on disk will be compressed..

  • COMPRESS function is basically used to compress/removes all the spaces/blanks in a character string.
    In other words, it removes leading, between and trailing spaces from the strings.
  • To uncompress observations, use a DATA step to copy the data set and use COMPRESS=NO for the new data set.
    When COMPRESS=YESCHAR, SAS compresses the size of the data set with run-length encoding.
Use the COMPRESS= data set option to compress an individual file. Specify the option for output data sets only. That is, specify data sets named in the DATA statement of a DATA step or in the OUT= option of a SAS procedure. Use the COMPRESS= data set option only when you are creating a SAS data file (member type DATA).
SAS uses RLE (Run Length Encoding) to compress observations. This compression algorithm is better for character data. specifies that the observations in a newly created SAS data set are uncompressed (fixed-length records). specifies that observations in a newly created SAS output data set are compressed.

How do I create a compressed data set?

To create a compressed data set we use the COMPRESS= output data set option or system option.
Two data sets are being used here, one contains character data and the other binary data.
The option COMPRESS=YES|CHAR is effective with character data that contains repeated characters such as:

  1. blanks

How do I save space in SAS?

The solution, of course, is to keep the variable in the input SAS data set and drop it from the output SAS data set

Consider the example at the bottom of the previous column

As you can see, the space savings are well worth the effort

In the case of File4, a reduction of nearly 500MB is nothing to gloss over

×To compress a SAS dataset, you can use the COMPRESS= data set option. This option can be set to CHAR (or YES), NO, and BINARY. The option should only be used when creating a SAS data file. The setting is a permanent attribute of the file once it is compressed. The option can be set globally with a single command or on a dataset by dataset option. The COMPRESS= system option compresses all data sets that are created during a SAS session, and the COMPRESS= option in the LIBNAME statement compresses all data sets for a particular SAS library. The COMPRESS= data set option cannot be used in PROC COPY or a COPY statement from PROC DATASETS.,Use the COMPRESS= data set option only when you are creating a SAS data file (member type DATA). You cannot compress SAS views, because they contain no data. The COPY procedure does not support data set options. Therefore, you cannot use the COMPRESS= data set option in PROC COPY or a COPY statement from PROC DATASETS. Tip To compress an ...Use the COMPRESS= data set option to compress an individual file. Specify the option for output data sets only--that is, data sets named in the DATA statement of a DATA step or in the OUT= option of a SAS procedure. Use the COMPRESS= data set option only when you are creating a SAS data file (member type DATA).The COMPRESS= system option compresses all data set sets that are created during a SAS session, and the COMPRESS= option in the LIBNAME statement compresses all data sets for a particular SAS® library. The COMPRESS= data set option is the most popular of these methods because you compress data sets individually as they are ...Turning dataset compression for SAS datasets can produce quite a reduction in size so it often is standard practice to do just this. It can be set globally with a single command and many working systems do this for you: options compress=yes; It also can be done on a dataset by dataset option by adding (compress=yes) beside the ...


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