Data representation in computer organization

  • Types of data representation in computer

    Data representation is how data is represented and presented to users.
    For example, human languages represent the physical world (written form) and the digital world (spoken or written form).
    Data representations include charts, graphs, tables, and other tools for representing quantitative data..

  • What are the data types in computer data representation?

    The data type defines which operations can safely be performed to create, transform and use the variable in another computation.
    In most programming languages, variable values commonly possess a static type.
    However, the values of those static types can still exist within multiple variable classes..

  • What is data representation in computer for MCA?

    Computers use numeric codes to represent all the information they store.
    These codes are similar to those you may have used as a child to encrypt secret notes: let 1 stand for A, 2 stand for B, etc.
    With this code, any written message can be represented numerically..

  • What is data representation in computer Organisation?

    Data representation in computer science is about how a computer interprets and functions with different types of information.
    Different information types require different representation techniques.
    For instance, a video will be represented differently than a text document..

  • What is data types in computer organization?

    Computers use numeric codes to represent all the information they store.
    These codes are similar to those you may have used as a child to encrypt secret notes: let 1 stand for A, 2 stand for B, etc.
    With this code, any written message can be represented numerically..

  • What is representation of data in computer systems?

    Computers use binary - the digits 0 and 1 - to store data.
    A binary digit, or bit, is the smallest unit of data in computing.
    It is represented by a 0 or a 1.
    Binary numbers are made up of binary digits (bits), eg the binary number 1001..

  • What is representation of data in computer systems?

    Data in a computer system is represented in binary format, as a sequence of 0s and 1s, denoting 'off' and 'on' states respectively.
    The smallest component of this binary representation is known as a bit, which stands for 'binary digit'.
    A byte, on the other hand, generally encompasses 8 bits..

The digital devices use a binary number system so that they can represent numeric data. The binary number system can only be represented by two digits 0 and 1. There can't be any other digits like 2 in the system. If we want to represent number 2 in binary, then we will write it as 10.

Representing Numbers

The number can be represented in the following way: Numeric Data Numeric datais used to contain numbers

Representing Text

The text can be represented in the following ways: Character Data Character datacan be formed with the help of symbols, letters, and numerals

Representing Bits and Bytes

The bits and bytes can be represented in the following ways: Bits and Bytes In the field of digital communication or computers

Data Compression

The digital data is compressed to reduce transmission times and file size. Data compression is the process of reducing the number of bits used to represent data

What is data representation in Computer Organization?

In computer organization, data refers to the symbols that are used to represent events, people, things and ideas

Data can be anything like a number, a name, notes in a musical composition, or the color in a photograph

Data representation can be referred to as the form in which we stored the data, processed it and transmitted it

What is the problem of data representation?

The problem of data representation is the problem of representing all theconcepts we might want to use in programming—integers, fractions, realnumbers, sets, pictures, texts, buildings, animal species, relationships—usingthe limited medium of addresses and bytes

Powers of ten and powers of two
Ans. Data representation refers to the way data is encoded and stored in a computer system. It involves representing information in a format that can be easily processed by the computer. This can include representing numbers, characters, images, and other types of data using various encoding schemes.In computer organization, data refers to the symbols that are used to represent events, people, things and ideas. Data can be anything like a number, a name, notes in a musical composition, or the color in a photograph. Data representation can be referred to as the form in which we stored the data, processed it and transmitted it.

Data Representation

  • Data Representation in Computers Information handled by a computer is classified as instruction and data. ...


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