Data types and their representation

  • Types of data representation in computer

    Data Representation refers to the ways utilised to represent information stored in a computer, as we've taught.
    Computer data representation can store a variety of data, including discrete data such as numbers and letters and continuous data such as sounds and images.
    They represent the data with numeric codes..

  • What are 4 data types?

    The data is classified into majorly four categories:

    Nominal data.Ordinal data.Discrete data.Continuous data..

  • What are data types in Python

    The data is classified into majorly four categories:

    Nominal data.Ordinal data.Discrete data.Continuous data..

  • What are the different ways in which data can be represented?

    Interacting with Data.
    There are many ways to illustrate data. Bar Graphs.
    Bar graphs are an excellent format to display descriptive data. Line Charts.
    Line charts provide lots of possibilities. Area Graphs. Pictographs. Scatter Plots. Box and Whisker Plots. Resources Used..

  • What are the types of data representation briefly explain each?

    Types of data representation
    Higher number systems are used in computing to reduce these streams of binary digits into manageable form.
    This helps to improve the processing speed and optimize memory usage.
    A number system is a set of symbols used to represent values derived from a common base or radix..

  • What is data types and their representation?

    Floating Point (float)Numeric data type for numbers with fractionsCharacter (char)Single letter, digit, punctuation mark, symbol, or blank spaceString (str or text)Sequence of characters, digits, or symbols—always treated as textBoolean (bool)True or false values.

C++ Basic Data Types (C++ specific)char is basically used to store alphanumerics (numbers are stored in character form).String data type (butstring is 
Computer is the most stupid thing you can ever encounter in your life. Modern computers are built up with transistors. Whenever an electric current pass into 

What are integer data types?

Integer data types often represent whole numbers in programming

An integer's value moves from one integer to another without acknowledging fractional numbers in between

The number of digits can vary based on the device, and some programming languages may allow negative values


Character In coding, alphabet letters denote characters

What are the different types of data types?

There are two main floating-point data types, which vary depending on the number of allowable values in the string: Float: A data type that typically allows up to seven points after a decimal

Double: A data type that allows up to 15 points after a decimal


Long Long data types are often 32- or 64-bit integers in code

What is a string data type?

A string data type is a combination of characters that can be either constant or variable

This often incorporates a sequence of character data types that result in specific commands depending on the programming language

Strings can include both upper and lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation

8 Boolean
  • Numbers – Numbers are not represented as ASCII but by bit patterns. ...
  • Text – Text is also represented as bit pattern or sequence of bits (such as 0001111). ...
  • Audio – Audio signal is a representation of sound or music. ...

10 data types

  • 1. Integer Integer data types often represent whole numbers in programming. ...
  • 2. Character In coding, alphabet letters denote characters. ...
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