Data representation o level notes

  • In C language, the integer data type is represented by the 'int' keyword, and it can be both signed or unsigned.
    By default, the value assigned to an integer variable is considered positive if it is unsigned.
    The integer data type is further divided into short, int, and long data types.
Data representation∗ Computers cannot use analogue ( datas that our senses can process). However, they use digital data made up of binary digits.

What is data representation l9.7?

Data Representation L9 7 different numbers in an expression

For example x:(y:xy)x ˘ :(:10)0 The first occurrence of xbecomes 1 because it is located under another binder (that for y), while the second occurrence of xbecomes 0 because it is not in the scope of the binder on y

What should a candidate know about image representation?

For Image Representation, candidates should be able to: explain the representation of an image as a series of pixels represented in binary explain the need for metadata to be included in the file such as height, width and colour depth discuss the effect of colour depth and resolution on the size of an image file

Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) is a semantic representation language.
AMR graphs are rooted, labeled, directed, acyclic graphs (DAGs), comprising whole sentences.
They are intended to abstract away from syntactic representations, in the sense that sentences which are similar in meaning should be assigned the same AMR, even if they are not identically worded.
By nature, the AMR language is biased towards English – it is not meant to function as an international auxiliary language.


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