Data representation and number system ppt

  • How do you represent a number system?

    A number system is defined as the representation of numbers by using digits or other symbols in a consistent manner.
    The value of any digit in a number can be determined by a digit, its position in the number, and the base of the number system..

  • What is the number system and their representation?

    A number system is defined as a system of writing to express numbers.
    It is the mathematical notation for representing numbers of a given set by using digits or other symbols in a consistent manner.
    It provides a unique representation of every number and represents the arithmetic and algebraic structure of the figures..

  • What is Number System  A number system is a system representing numbers.
    It is also called the system of numeration and it defines a set of values to represent a quantity.
    These numbers are used as digits and the most common ones are 0 and 1, that are used to represent binary numbers.
Jul 20, 20153. NUMBER SYSTEM Is a method of expressing values, using a set of symbols in a consistent manner. Several number systems has been used in theĀ 

How many digits are there in a decimal number system?

In the decimal number system, there are ten possible values that can appear in each digit position, and so there are ten numerals required to represent the quantity in each digit position

The decimal numerals are the familiar zero through nine (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)

In a positional notation system, the number base is called the radix

How many digits can be used to represent a number?

Integer Representation (cont

) For the purpose of computer storage and processing, onlybinary digits (0 and 1) may be used to represent numbers (negative or positive)

For a 8-bit number, there are 28 =256 possible bit patterns

For unsigned number, we can represent 0 to 255 using 8-bit number

What is number system?

NUMBER SYSTEM Is a method of expressing values, using a set of symbols in a consistent manner

Several number systems has been used in the past which can be categorized into two (2): positional and non-positional number systems



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