Data representation and marshalling

  • What is data marshalling?

    To prepare data for processing or for transport over a network.
    Data marshalling may collect data from a single source or from multiple sources, but then performs the necessary conversion to a common format for processing or for transmission..

  • What is the marshalling format?

    Marshalling is the process of converting a higher-level (object) structure into some kind of lower-level representation, often a “wire format”.
    Other popular names for marshalling are “serialization” or “pickling”..

  • Marshalling: the act of taking a collection of data items (platform dependent) and assembling them into the external data representation (platform independent). • Unmarshalling: the process of disassembling data that is in external data representation form, into a locally interpretable form.
  • So, an external data representation is a standard for representing data structures and primitive values that have been agreed upon.
    Marshalling: Marshalling is the process of transferring and formatting a collection of data structures into an external data representation type appropriate for transmission in a message.Mar 22, 2022

What is data marshalling?

4 Marshalling is the process of transferring data across application boundaries or between different data formats

Marshalling is very common, for example writing data to disk or to a database is technically marshalling, however the term tends to be used to describe data conversion for "foreign" APIs or for interprocess communication

What is the difference between marshalling and unmarshalling?

Marshalling is the process of taking a collection of the data structures to transfer and format them into an external data representation type which suitable for transmission in a message

Unmarshalling is the inverse of this process, which is reformatting the transferred data on arrival to produce the original data structures at the destination

Common Object Request Broker Architecture aka CORBA is a specification developed by Object Management Group


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