Data representation units

  • How is data represented in bytes?

    Well, the smallest unit in the computer's memory to store data is called a BYTE, which consists of 8 BITS.
    One Byte allows upto 256 different combinations of data representation (28= 256)..

  • How many bits is data representation?

    Well, the smallest unit in the computer's memory to store data is called a BYTE, which consists of 8 BITS.
    One Byte allows upto 256 different combinations of data representation (28= 256)..

  • What is the data representation of a byte?

    Well, the smallest unit in the computer's memory to store data is called a BYTE, which consists of 8 BITS.
    One Byte allows upto 256 different combinations of data representation (28= 256)..

  • A binary digit has two possible states - 1 and 0.
    A binary digit is known as a bit close bitThe smallest unit of data in computing represented by a 1 in binary..
    A bit is the smallest unit of data a computer can use.
    Eight bits are known as a byte close byteA unit of data containing 8 bits..
The terms bits, bytes, nibble and word are used widely in reference to computer memory and data size. Bits: can be defined as either a binary, which can be 0, or 1.It is the basic unit of data or information in digital computers.
Units and data representation - OCRUnits. All data is represented as binary digits, whether it is numbers, text, images or sound. Calculations are also done in binary.

What are data units?

For Data Units, candidates should be able to: define the terms bit, nibble, byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte understand that data needs to be converted into a binary format to be processed by a computer

Data units in computer systems Bit This is a single unit of memory and can only store 2 possible binary …

What is the focus of a data representation unit?

The emphasis is not on the techniques to produce these representations, but on the question of whether or not the representation best represents the data

The aim of this unit is to look at a variety of ways to represent data and to compare these for the best representation of the data given

What is the general representation of statistical data?

The general representation of statistical data is: A Bar Graph represents grouped data with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent

The bars can be plotted vertically or horizontally

A type of graph in which a circle is divided into Sectors

Each of these sectors represents a proportion of the whole

kilo, k - 10 3 mega, M - 10 6 giga, G - 10 9 tera, T - 10 12. Note that all these k, M, G, T are all decimal and are base 10. 1 kilobyte or 1kB = 10 3 bits = 1000 bytes. 1 megabyte or 1MB = 10 6 bits = 1000kB = 1,000,000 bytes


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