Data structures and applications vtu notes

  • How is DSA used in real life?

    Real-World Applications
    For instance, implementing a binary search algorithm to search for items in an online store can improve the user experience by providing faster and more accurate search results.
    Another example of DSA in real-world applications is the use of dynamic programming in Web Development..

  • What is DS and its types?

    Different Types of Data Structures

    Array Data Structure.String Data Structure.Linked List Data Structure.Stack Data Structure.Queue Data Structure.Introduction to Tree - Data Structure and Algorithm Tutorials.Heap Data Structure.Hashing Data Structure..

  • Data structure A data structure is a specialized format for organizing and storing data.
    List is basically the collection of elements arrange d in a sequential manner.
    In memory we can store the list in two ways: one way is we can store the elements in sequential memory locations.

Module 2 – Stack and Queues

The notes contain the following points: Stack, representation of Stack, Stack operations using arrays, push – inserting values into a stack

Module 3 – Linked Lists

Contents of the linked list module Definition, array drawbacks, Advantages of a linked list over arrays. Operations on a linked list ( Creation of a list

Module 4 – Trees

Contents of tree module of data structures and applications Tree representation, General Tree Representations using data structures. Binary tree

Module 5 – Graphs, Hashing, Sorting, and Files

The following are the Contents of module 5 notes Graph terminology and representation, Kinds of Graphs: Weighted and Unweighted, Cyclic

How to solve a data structure problem?

CO 1

Identify different data structures and their applications

CO 2

Apply stack and queues in solving problems

CO 3

Demonstrate applications of linked list

CO 4

Explore the applications of trees and graphs to model and solve the real-world problem

CO 5

Make use of Hashing techniques and resolve collisions during mapping of key value pairs

What do you learn in data structure?

Introduction: Data Structures, Classifications (Primitive & Non Primitive), Data structure Operations, Review of Arrays, Structures, Self-Referential Structures, and Unions

Pointers and Dynamic Memory Allocation Functions

Representation of Linear Arrays in Memory, Dynamically allocated arrays


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