Data structure fact table

  • How does a fact table work?

    A fact table stores quantitative information for analysis and is often denormalized.
    A fact table works with dimension tables.
    A fact table holds the data to be analyzed, and a dimension table stores data about the ways in which the data in the fact table can be analyzed..

  • Is fact table normalized or denormalized?

    A fact table is the central table in a star schema of a data warehouse.
    A fact table stores quantitative information for analysis and is often denormalized..

  • Is star schema a fact table?

    A star schema has a single fact table in the center, containing business "facts" (like transaction amounts and quantities).
    The fact table connects to multiple other dimension tables along "dimensions" like time, or product..

  • What is the structure of a fact table?

    A fact table has two types of columns: those that contain the facts and those that serve as foreign keys linking to dimension tables.
    The primary key of a fact table is often a composite key made up of all of the foreign keys in the table.Jun 6, 2023.

  • What is the structure of a fact table?

    A fact table typically has two types of columns: those that contain facts and those that are a foreign key to dimension tables.
    The primary key of a fact table is usually a composite key that is made up of all of its foreign keys..

  • What type of data do fact tables contain?

    A fact table or a fact entity is a table or entity in a star or snowflake schema that stores measures that measure the business, such as sales, cost of goods, or profit.
    Fact tables and entities aggregate measures , or the numerical data of a business..

  • A fact table is defined by its grain or most atomic level, whereas a Dimension table should be wordy, descriptive, complete, and of assured quality.
    The fact table helps to store report labels, whereas Dimension table contains detailed data.
  • At the lowest grain, a fact table row corresponds to a measurement event and vice versa.
    Thus the fundamental design of a fact table is entirely based on a physical activity and is not influenced by the eventual reports that may be produced.
In a data warehouse, a fact table is a table that stores the measurements, metrics, or facts related to a business operation. It is located at the center of a star or snowflake schema and is surrounded by dimension tables. When multiple fact tables are used, they can be organized using a "fact constellation schema."
In a data warehouse, a fact table is a table that stores the measurements, metrics, or facts related to a business operation. It is located at the center of a star or snowflake schema and is surrounded by dimension tables. When multiple fact tables are used, they can be organized using a "fact constellation schema."
What are Fact Tables? A Fact Table is a central table in a star schema or snowflake schema of a dimensional data model used in data warehousing and Business Intelligence (BI) applications. It contains quantitative data (known as facts) and foreign keys that are connected to related dimension tables.


In data warehousing, a fact table consists of the measurements, metrics or facts of a business process


If the business process is sales

Measure types

• Additive - measures that can be added across any dimension

Types of fact tables

There are four fundamental measurement events, which characterize all fact tables

Steps in designing a fact table

• Identify a business process for analysis (e.g., sales)

In the schema below, we have a fact table FACT_SALES that has a grain that gives us the number of units sold by date, by store


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