Data warehousing father

  • Who created first data warehouse?

    The concept of data warehouses first came into use in the 1980s when IBM researchers Paul Murphy and Barry Devlin developed the business data warehouse..

  • Who first coined data warehouse?

    1970s – Bill Inmon begins to define and discuss the term Data Warehouse..

  • Who introduced the concept of data warehousing in IBM?

    Paul Murphy and Barry Devlin, two IBM employees, created the Business Data Warehouse in the late 1980s, which marked the beginning of data warehousing.
    However, Inmon Bill provided the primary notion..

  • Who is responsible for creating data warehouse?

    Data warehouse architects are responsible for creating solutions relating to data warehouses and working alongside standard data warehouse technologies to develop plans that best support an organization or business..

  • Who is the father of data mart?

    Computer scientist, author, and technology pioneer.
    Best known as the Father of Data Warehousing, Father of Data Warehouse.
    Bill Inmon – the “father of data warehouse” – has written 60 books published in nine languages..

  • When data warehouses first came onto the scene in the late 1980s, their purpose was to help data flow from operational systems into decision-support systems (DSSs).
    These early data warehouses required an enormous amount of redundancy.
    Most organizations had multiple DSS environments that served their various users.
Bill Inmon, the recognized father of the data warehousing concept, defines a data warehouse as a subject-orientated, integrated, time variant, non-volatile collection of data in support of management's decision-making process. Another data warehousing pio.
William H. Inmon (born 1945) is an American computer scientist, recognized by many as the father of the data warehouse.


William H. Inmon was born July 20, 1945, in San Diego, California. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from Yale University in 1967


• (2002) DAMA International Professional Achievement Award for


Bill Inmon has published more than 60 books in nine languages and 2,000 articles on data warehousing and data management

See also

• Single version of the

External links

• Corporate Information Factory - Internet Archive's copy of


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