Database programming with function calls

  • Does SQL have functions?

    SQL functions are simply sub-programs, which are commonly used and re-used throughout SQL database applications for processing or manipulating data.
    All SQL database systems have DDL (data definition language) and DML (data manipulation language) tools to support the creation and maintenance of databases..

  • How are functions used in a database?

    A Database Function is a routine that accepts parameters, performs an action (such as a complex calculation) and returns the result of that action as a value.
    Depending on the Function, the return value can be either a single value or a result set..

  • How to call a database function in Java?

    Calling stored procedures and functions using JDBC

    1boolean execute() throws SQLException.2int executeUpdate() throws SQLException.3int getInt(int parameterIndex) throws SQLException.4void registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex, int sqlType) throws SQLException.5void setInt(String parameterName, int x) throws SQLException..

  • What are functions in database?

    A Database Function is a routine that accepts parameters, performs an action (such as a complex calculation) and returns the result of that action as a value..

  • What are the three approaches to database programming?

    The three main approaches to database programing are, embedded SQL approach, library of classes and function calls approach, and database programming language approach.
    The first utilized the query text as part of the source code.
    This allows it to check for syntax errors and compare it against the database schema..

  • Library of Function Calls Approach.
    This approach provides more flexibility in that queries can be generated at runtime if needed.
    However, this leads to more complex programming, as program variables that match the columns in the query result may not be known in advance.
Mar 26, 20171. Database Programming with SQL/CLI Using C as the Host Language 2. JDBC: SQL Function Calls for Java Programming.
Mar 26, 2017A library of functions, also known as an application programming interface (API), is used to access the data-base. Although this provides more 
Mar 26, 2017When using SQL/CLI, the SQL statements are dynamically created and passed as string parameters in the function calls. Hence, it is necessary to 

Are function calls more dynamic than embedded SQL?

The use of function calls is a more dynamic approach for database programming than embedded SQL.
We already saw one dynamic database programming technique—dynamic SQL—in Section 13.2.3.
The techniques discussed here provide another approach to dynamic database programming.


Is embedded SQL a static or dynamic database programming approach?

Embedded SQL (see Section 13.2) is sometimes referred to as a static database programming approach because the query text is written within the program source code and cannot be changed without recompiling or reprocessing the source code.
The use of function calls is a more dynamic approach for database programming than embedded SQL.


What are the advantages of using a function call interface?

The main advantage of using a function call interface is that it makes it easier to access multiple databases within the same application program, even if they are stored under different DBMS packages.


What is a library of functions?

A library of functions, also known as an application programming interface (API), is used to access the data-base.
Although this provides more flexibility because no preprocessor is needed, one drawback is that syntax and other checks on SQL commands have to be done at runtime.


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