Software decision making document

  • How do you document decision making?

    Decision-making software (DM software) is software for computer applications that help individuals and organisations make choices and take decisions, typically by ranking, prioritizing or choosing from a number of options.
    An early example of DM software was described in 1973..

  • How do you document decision-making?

    Some things you might include when documenting a decision:

    1. Who is making the decision
    2. Why the decision is being made
    3. Who else needs to know about the decision
    4. Who is/ has supported them.
    5. How?.
    6. Options considered
    7. Consequences considered
    8. Risks involved and safeguards
    9. Space for compromise/ bottom line

  • What is decision making in software management?

    In the software development process, software documentation is the information that describes the product to the people who develop, deploy and use it.
    It includes the technical manuals and online material, such as online versions of manuals and help capabilities..

  • What is software process documentation?

    Best decision support software includes AsinSeed, AVDecision, Knowmax, TrustCheckr, and GoldSim.
    This software facilitates the decision-making process by helping to prioritize goals, assess options and simulate results..

  • What is the decision-making tool?

    Decision-making tools help organizations identify all the activities that must take place for a decision to be made and executed well.
    Using these tools, organizations determine and define the roles that individuals will play in decisions of different types..

  • A document-driven DSS manages, retrieves, and manipulates unstructured information in a variety of electronic formats.
    A knowledge-driven DSS provides specialized problem-solving expertise stored as facts, rules, procedures or in similar structures like interactive decision trees and flowcharts.
Aug 11, 2020In the engineering section, we need to be careful to document tech decisions that do not overlap with automated documentation of software.
Aug 11, 2020To achieve great results recording decisions, the template doc must be created and maintained by all the people in the squad (from business 

???? Meeting: Alternative Solutions



???? Meeting: The Problem Description



What is a decision in software development?

A decision is the act of defining a solution for a given problem, in a current context.
There are a lot of decisions to be made when developing software.


Why is decision management important in software engineering?

In software engineering, we make many decisions with high consequences.
Without any decision management, we tend to make these choices conscienceless, to make mistakes, and not understand why those mistakes were made.
This framework aims to make better decisions but above all to be able to correct them when they are no longer the right ones.

Requirements for software to be part of the Debian system

The Debian Free Software Guidelines (DFSG) is a set of guidelines that the Debian Project uses to determine whether a software license is a free software license, which in turn is used to determine whether a piece of software can be included in Debian.
The DFSG is part of the Debian Social Contract.

Non-profit organization

The Document Foundation (TDF) is a non-profit organization that promotes open-source document handling software.
It was created by members of the community to manage and develop LibreOffice, a free and open-source office suite, and is legally registered in Germany as a Stiftung.
Its goal is to produce a vendor-independent office suite with ODF support in a development environment free from company control.


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