Consumer decision making chapter exam

  • How is consumer decision making?

    What is the consumer decision making process.
    The consumer decision-making process involves five basic steps.
    This is the process by which consumers evaluate making a purchasing decision.
    The 5 steps are problem recognition, information search, alternatives evaluation, purchase decision and post-purchase evaluation..

  • What are the 3 levels of consumer decision making?

    The three types of decision-making are nominal, limited, and extended.
    These types of decision-making have different levels of purchase involvement.
    Nominal decision-making involves little purchase involvement, while limited decision-making required mid-ranged purchase involvement..

  • What are the 3 levels of consumer decision-making?

    The three types of decision-making are nominal, limited, and extended.
    These types of decision-making have different levels of purchase involvement.
    Nominal decision-making involves little purchase involvement, while limited decision-making required mid-ranged purchase involvement..

  • What are the 4 types of consumer decisions?

    There are four types of consumer buying behavior:

    Complex buying behavior.Dissonance-reducing buying behavior.Habitual buying behavior.Variety seeking behavior..

  • What are the 5 stages of consumer decision making?

    This is the process by which consumers evaluate making a purchasing decision.
    The 5 steps are problem recognition, information search, alternatives evaluation, purchase decision and post-purchase evaluation..

  • What is consumer decision-making process?

    What is the consumer decision making process.
    The consumer decision-making process involves five basic steps.
    This is the process by which consumers evaluate making a purchasing decision.
    The 5 steps are problem recognition, information search, alternatives evaluation, purchase decision and post-purchase evaluation..

  • 5 important stages of the consumer decision-making process

    Stage 1: Need recognition. Stage 2: Searching and gathering information. Stage 3: Considering the alternatives. Stage 4: Buying the product or service. Stage 5: Post-purchase evaluation.
Test and improve your knowledge of Consumer Decision Making with fun multiple choice exams you can take online with

Can consumer behavior be learned?

Consumer behavior cannot be learned. b.
Consumers' product and service preferences are constant and do not change over time. c.
People's value systems do not affect their consumer behavior. d.
The study of consumer behavior includes ,factors that influence purchase decisions and product use.


Do consumer preferences change over time?

Consumers' product and service preferences are constant and do not change over time. c.
People's value systems do not affect their consumer behavior. d.
The study of consumer behavior includes ,factors that influence purchase decisions and product use.
Products that appeal to mothers have evolved since mothers are no longer homogeneous like before.


How do consumers become less involved in the purchase of a product?

Consumers become less involved in the purchase of a familiar product. c.
Consumers are not involved when the perceived risk in purchasing a product is high. d.
Involvement decreases as the social visibility of a product increases.
It includes ,Internet forums and other forms of public sources of information.


What are the steps in consumer decision making?

Consumer Behavior Chapter 9 STUDY PLAY Consumer Decision Making The processes involved in analyzing problems, search for solutions, evaluating alternatives, choosing among options, and evaluating outcomes Steps of the Generic Decision-Making Model 1.
Problem Recognition 2.
Search 3.
Alternative Evaluation 4.
Choice 4.
Post-acquisition evaluation .


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