Decision making definition in c

  • What do you mean by decision making statement?

    What are Decision Making Statements.
    Decision making statements allow you to decide the order of execution of specific statements in your program.
    You can set up a condition and tell the compiler to take a particular action if the condition is met..

  • What is decision making in C programming?

    In C, decision-making statements are technology structures enabling programmers to make decisions based on specific conditions or criteria.
    In C, there are three primary decision-making statements that you can use: If-else statements.
    Switch statements..

  • What is decision making in C?

    In C, decision-making statements are technology structures enabling programmers to make decisions based on specific conditions or criteria.
    In C, there are three primary decision-making statements that you can use: If-else statements..

  • What is decision making in computer programming?

    For example, in a quiz program, we ask the user the answer and then we need to check whether the user had entered the correct answer.
    This process of instructing computers to make decisions is known as 'decision making' in programming..

  • What is decision making or conditional statements?

    Decision making statements can direct a program to execute on the based of instructions if a certain condition is True or another if it's False.
    Different decision making structures can be used such as if statements, else-if statements, and nested if else statements for decision making in python programming language..

  • C has a built-in multi way decision statement known as a switch.
    The switch statement tests the value of a given variable (or expression) against a list of case values and when a match is found, a block of statements associated, with that case is executed.
Decision making in C. Decision making is about deciding the order of execution of statements based on certain conditions or repeat a group of statements until certain specified conditions are met.

Are decision-making statements a source of bugs and errors?


  1. Decision-making statements can be a source of bugs and errors if you do not test them thoroughly or if you make mistakes when writing the code

Maintenance:As your code grows and changes over time, decision-making statements can become harder to maintain and update, especially if they are nested or interconnected.

What are decision making statements in C++?

The statements provided by C++ for the selected execution are called decision-making statements or selection statements. if and switch is the two types of selection statements in C++.
These are the types of decision making statements in c which given below:

  1. The if statement is used to select a set of statements for execution based on a condition


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