Decision in process how long

  • Does decision in process mean rejection?

    The "decision in process" is the editor choosing if the next step is acceptance, revision, or rejection.
    The pause in time does not always mean a rejection in underway.
    Editors are often busy.Mar 20, 2022.

  • How long does decision in process take?

    Most journals normally take 4-8 weeks to review manuscripts.
    The 'decision in process' status implies that your manuscript has passed through peer review and the editorial board is now making a decision.
    In this step, the editor carefully evaluates all the comments by the peer-reviewers and examines the manuscript.Feb 27, 2018.

  • How long does editor decision started take?

    Most journals typically take around 4-12 weeks to share their final decision.
    The “Decision Started” status implies that peer review for your manuscript has been completed and the journal's editorial board is in the process of making a decision..

  • How long is Elsevier decision in process?

    The handling editor considers the peer reviews together with the editor's own evaluation of the manuscript.
    Editors render accept, revise, reject decisions that are communicated via email to the manuscript's corresponding author.
    This first decision is usually made within 6 weeks of submission..

  • What does decision in process mean Springer?

    Decision in Process: This means that the editor is now taking a decision on your paper based on the peer reviewer comments and his/her own opinion..

  • What does decision in process mean?

    Answer: Decision in process status comes into the picture when the final decision is taken by the chief editor/editor in chief.
    In other words when the handling editor of paper takes the decision and submit it in the system then the status gets changed to decision in process..

  • Required reviews complete - Some or all assigned reviewers have completed their reviews.
    Decision in process - The handling editor has entered a decision but the decision is not yet finalized and has not been sent to the authors.
  • The time to render a first decision averages about 43 days, but times vary depending on how long it takes for the editor to receive and assess reviews.
    The editor considers reviewer feedback and their own evaluation of the manuscript in order to reach a decision.
How Long Does Decision in Process Take? The whole process of manuscript reviewing takes around 4-8 weeks, in my experience. The “decision in process” status means that the editor is finally deciding on whether they will publish your paper or not based on their own review or a peer review.

How long does it take to make a decision in process?

Even if the decision in process status takes a couple of weeks more, you have nothing to worry about.
Sometimes, the editor needs to take the help of the editorial board to come to a decision if he or she is unsure about a paper.
If this is the case, the decision could be delayed by another couple of weeks.


What does “decision in process” mean?

When a journal displays the “decision in process” status, it means that the editorial board is in the process of making the final decision about your paper.
At this stage when the journal decision is in process, the editor will go through the revised manuscript and your replies to the reviewer comments before coming to a decision.


What happens when a journal Decision is in process?

At this stage when the journal decision is in process, the editor will go through the revised manuscript and your replies to the reviewer comments before coming to a decision.
The editor might decide to consult the peer reviewers once more.


What if I have not received a final decision?

If you have submitted your manuscript to an Editorial Manager journal but you have not yet received a final decision, you can check its status online.
As there are many steps involved in the editorial process, this may in some cases take longer than you had anticipated.

Process tracing methods in psychology are defined as observations which are made before the participant has come to a decision.
These observations are used to present us with information regarding the psychological processes occurring within a participant, while they are weighing their choices.
More specifically, process tracing methods examine participant's information acquisition process, how much information or content they've acquired, for how long this process occurred etc.
Process tracing methods can also test the subtleties of decision making, since how the information is presented can change decisions, which can shed more light in what influences decisions and how people process information.
Most of these methods are considered to be particularly unobtrusive, since the processes that they study are generally natural, and do not interfere with the decision process.
Process-tracing in psychology can consist of various methods, namely observational, experimental, physiological, or neuroscientific.


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