Decision making have a hyphen

  • Is decision-making a hyphen?

    However, the adjectives decision-making and decision-taking are hyphenated.
    In modern companies, the decision-making power is shared with employees..

  • Exceptions: Chicago recommends certain phrases be hyphenated as both a noun and an adjective, for example, decision-making.
    She is good at decision-making.

Is decision making one word or two?

Once again, I have run into a law review that has adopted the convention of using decisionmaking as a one word unhyphenated noun and adjective.
I hate to be pedantic about this, but the Chicago Manual of Style still says that decision making is an unhyphenated two word compound noun and a hyphenated two word compound adjective:

  1. FWIW
  2. Word's and Safari's spell checkers agree with me and the Chicago Manual


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