Decision making under java

  • How is decision-making executed in a programming language?

    Decision making structures require that the programmer specifies one or more conditions to be evaluated or tested by the program, along with a statement or statements to be executed if the condition is determined to be true, and optionally, other statements to be executed if the condition is determined to be false..

  • What are the decision-making statements in Javascript?

    In JS we have the following decision control statements: if statement – use this statement if we want to execute some code only if a specified condition is true. if…else statement – use this statement if we want to execute some code if the condition is true and another code if the condition is false..

  • What are the types of decision control structure in Java?

    Java supports 5 types of control structures to control the flow of a program.

    Sequential Control Structure.Conditional Control Structure.Repetition Control Structure.Selection Control Structure.Jump Control Structure..

If Else Statement in Java

This pair of keywords is used to divide a program to be executed into two parts, one being the code to be executed if the condition evaluates to true and the other one to be executed if the value is false.
However if no curly braces are given the first statement after the if or else keyword is executed. if(condition) { //code to be executed if the .


If Statement in Java

Java if statement is the simplest decision making statement.
It encompasses a boolean condition followed by a scope of code which is executed only when the condition evaluates to true.
However if there are no curly braces to limit the scope of sentences to be executed if the condition evaluates to true, then only the first line is executed.


if-else-if Statements in Java

These statements are similar to the if else statements .
The only difference lies in the fact that each of the else statements can be paired with a different if condition statement.
This renders the ladder as a multiple choice option for the user.
As soon as one of the if conditions evaluates to true the equivalent code is executed and the rest of .


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