Decision making for dementia patients

  • How do you convince someone with dementia to move?

    It is important for family members to maintain an optimistic attitude in order to encourage the person with dementia to view the move as positive.
    Telling the person with dementia “I'm glad you came to live here, now we can spend more time together” can help to make them feel welcome, safe and secure..

  • How do you make decisions for a person with dementia?

    Encourage and support the person with dementia to take part in making the decision and to share their views, where possible.
    Consider the person's past, present and future wishes and feelings.
    Take into account other people's views, such as carers, friends, family members and any attorney or deputy the person may have..

  • What are good examples of supporting a person with dementia to make decisions?

    Involve the person in the decision as much as possible: find out what their views and wishes are (including those they had before they lost capacity to make the decision) and where possible involve the person in all meetings where decisions are being made about them..

  • It is important for family members to maintain an optimistic attitude in order to encourage the person with dementia to view the move as positive.
    Telling the person with dementia “I'm glad you came to live here, now we can spend more time together” can help to make them feel welcome, safe and secure.
  • Keeping an active social life, regular exercise, and continuing activities the person enjoys, or finding new ones, can help to reduce behaviours that are out of character.
    Read more about activities for dementia.
    Other things that can help include: providing reassurance.
  • Respond with affection and reassurance.
    People with dementia often feel confused, anxious, and unsure of themselves.
    Further, they often get reality confused and may recall things that never really occurred.
    Avoid trying to convince them they are wrong.
Encourage and support the person with dementia to take part in making the decision and to share their views, where possible. Consider the person's past, present and future wishes and feelings. Take into account other people's views, such as carers, friends, family members and any attorney or deputy the person may have.
The kinds of support people with dementia may need include: giving people the information they need to make a decision. allowing people time to think over a decision, or talk it through with an expert, or someone they trust. explaining things in a way that is easy to understand.

Can a patient with advanced dementia make a living will?

Ability to express a choice and provide some reasoning is often preserved in patients with AD.
They can make a decision about preference related to daily care but not make a decision about complex treatment choice.
Even a patient with advanced dementia may have capacity to appoint a health-care proxy but not make a living will.


Can patients with dementia make decisions?

Patients with dementia cannot be assumed to be incapable of making decisions.
Patients with mild to moderate dementia can evaluate, interpret, and derive meaning in their lives.
The law assumes that all adults have capacity unless there is contrary evidence. [ 5] .


Do neuropsychological processes affect decision-making in patients with dementia?

Lawyers, judges, and even medical practitioners may not consider these less recognized components of decision-making when assessing capacity in patients with dementia.
In this article, we review the neuropsychological processes contributing to decision-making, and how these processes are impaired in patients with dementia.


What is shared decision-making in dementia?

Shared decision-making in dementia:

  1. a review of patient and family carer involvement

Dementia (London). 2016;15 (5):1141-1157.
Whitlatch CJ, Feinberg LF, Tucke SS.
Measuring the values and preferences for everyday care of persons with cognitive impairment and their family caregivers.


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