Decision making for emergencies process should begin

  • What is an effective decision making in an emergency results in the following except for?

    Answer: The correct answer to the following question is option A) increased risk of injury to victims or responders.
    Explanation: While making a effective decision , the person making decision ( who is know as decision maker ) should make sure that the information he or she is collecting is valid and true and accurate..

  • What is an effective decision making in an emergency?

    Effective emergency decisions are most likely to be made, according to the theory, when a vigilant coping pattern is dominant, which requires that the following four mediating conditions are met: 1) awareness of serious risks if no protective action is taken; 2) awareness of serious risks if any of the salient .

  • What is an effective decision-making in an emergency?

    Effective emergency decisions are most likely to be made, according to the theory, when a vigilant coping pattern is dominant, which requires that the following four mediating conditions are met: 1) awareness of serious risks if no protective action is taken; 2) awareness of serious risks if any of the salient .

  • What is the first thing you should do in the decision-making process?

    The first step in the decision making process is Identifying a problem which means examine the problem more closely and understand the cause of a problem..

  • What should be identified at the beginning of the decision-making process?

    To make a decision, you must first identify the problem you need to solve or the question you need to answer.
    Clearly define your decision.
    If you misidentify the problem to solve, or if the problem you've chosen is too broad, you'll knock the decision train off the track before it even leaves the station..

  • Why decision making is important in emergency management?

    Decisions guide the distribution and subsequent deployment of assets, the removal of people from harm's way, how objectives are established and a myriad of other actions.
    Decision-making is therefore an important skill for emergency managers that permeates every emergency event and every level of disaster management..

  • Answer: The correct answer to the following question is option A) increased risk of injury to victims or responders.
    Explanation: While making a effective decision , the person making decision ( who is know as decision maker ) should make sure that the information he or she is collecting is valid and true and accurate.
Where Does the Process Begin? Emergency decisions have their beginnings well before any emergency strikes. The number, type, and magnitude of decisions and problems that must be addressed during an emergency are a direct result of decisions that were (or weren't) made during the planning process.

Calculation of Gains and Losses

Gains and losses reflect decision makers’ different psychological behavior, (gains: risk aversion, losses: risk seeking), which are obtained according to the reference point, \\( R_{im} \\), and the predefined effective control scope, \\( E_{jm} \\), of different emergency alternatives.
Because both the reference points and the predefined effective con.


Calculation of Overall Prospect Values

For the sake of simplicity, the attribute weights are provided by the decision maker in this study.
By using the simple additive weighting method, the overall prospect value of each alternative can be obtained, that is, The overall prospect value \\( O_{ij} \\) reflects whether the alternative is adequate for coping with the emergency situation or no.


Calculation of Prospect Values

Let \\( {\\text{GM}}_{i} = (G_{ijm} )_{J \\times M} \\) be the gain matrix regarding the i-th emergency situation, \\( {\\text{LM}}_{i} = (L_{ijm} )_{J \\times M} \\) be the loss matrix regarding the i-th emergency situation.
According to prospect theory, the magnitude of gains and losses is measured by value function, let \\( {\\text{VM}}_{i} = (v_{ijm} )_{.


Framework Definition

The following notations are used in the proposed method: 1. \\( A = \\left\\{ {A_{1} ,A_{2} , \\ldots ,A_{J} } \\right\\} \\): set of alternatives, where \\( A_{j} \\) denotes the j-th alternative, \\( j = 1,2, \\ldots ,J \\). 2. \\( S = \\left\\{ {S_{1} ,S_{2} , \\ldots ,S_{n} } \\right\\} \\): set of different emergency situations, where \\( S_{i} \\) denotes the i-t.


Information Collection

When an emergency event occurs, it may evolve into different possible emergency situations because of the dynamic features of emergency events.
Before making a decision, it is necessary for the decision maker to collect related information (possible situations, possible losses caused by different possible situations, and so on).
According to differ.


Should an emergency manager make a command decision alone?

As an emergency manager, you work often in situations that require a high degree of coordination.
These cases call for a group decision-making process.
There are other times, however, when you must make a command decision alone.
Several factors affect whether a decision should be made by an individual or a group.


What is a public health emergency decision?

Public health emergency decisions are explored to ensure the emergency response measures in an environment where various emergencies occur frequently.
An emergency decision is essentially a multi-criteria risk decision-making problem.


What is emergency decision making?

Decision makingis making choices at each step of the problem-solving process.
The emergency decision-making process begins well before disaster strikes.
EOPs and SOPs provide the foundation for decision making during emergencies.

  1. COURSE SUMMARY Decision Making and Problem Solving Page 6
2 The Problem-Solving Model .

Which factors affect the final emergency response during coordinated decision-making?

The complementarity of resources between departments, the convenience of communication, and the degree of personnel collaboration will affect the final emergency response during the coordinated decision-making between different departments.
The selection process of the multi-department emergency decision is described as the structure in Fig. 4.


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