Decision making games for students

  • Decision making games for adults

    Games provide the low-risk environment that allows for developing our decision making skills, enabling us to grow our competence while minimizing the potential negative consequences that surround our other life choices.
    Decision making games provide a tremendous tool for building this essential life skill..

  • How do games improve decision-making skills?

    Different game types build other sorts of skills.
    Puzzle games teach problem-solving.
    Real-time action games improve fine motor skills, memory, response time and the aforementioned hand-eye coordination.
    Strategy games encourage players to make plans, manage resources and balance competing objectives..

  • How do you make a decision game?

    9 Steps to Creating A Fantastic ESL Decision Game

    1. Consider Your Students.
    2. Assess their age, demographic, national and cultural backgrounds and faith systems.
    3. Choose Your Topic Area
    4. Brainstorm Decisions
    5. Decide the Reward and Measurement Systems
    6. Decide The Parameters
    7. Sketch It Out
    8. Start Writing
    9. Running the Game

Some Decision Making Games for your Kids
  • Memory Game. A memory game can be played with a set of picture cards (with exact pairs).
  • Stuck on a Deserted Island. If you were stuck on a deserted island and you'll only take three things with you, what would they be?
  • Role Play.
  • Checkers.
  • Monopoly.
  • Build Me a…

Ant Or Elephant

Show your children a picture of an ant and a picture of an elephant.
Play the game by asking, “Would you rather be an ant or an elephant?” Your children have to pick an answer and explain why.
This is a great decision-making activity for kids that will also build their thinking and reasoning skills.
You can use any kind of animal, person or quality.



This game is simple enough for preschoolers to play and requires them to decide which pieces to play each time it is their turn.
They have to consider which piece is suitable and which to choose if they have more than one option in a turn.
Here is a video with the rules of dominoes for a refresher.
Here’s a great set of dominoesfor kids.


Hide and Seek

One of the most traditional and played games of all time, hide-and-seekcan be a great decision-making game.
Add a new rule that you cannot hide in the same place twice and your children will have to continuously be thinking of new places to hide.
The wrong choice will result in them being found too easily.


How The Story Goes

This game can be part of your evening bedtime storyroutine or class storytime.
Choose a story your children haven’t heard before and read the first few pages.
Then offer two alternative paths:.
1) Bear decided to go for a walk in the woods.
2) Bear decided to have a picnic with his friends.
Ask your children to choose which path they like more and t.


Memory Game

A memory game can be played with a set of picture cards (with exact pairs).
This is how you play:.
1) Turn all the cards face down on the table.
2) Take turns choosing two cards each and turn them face up.
3) If the cards match, you keep them.
4) If they don’t match, you turn them both face down.
5) Continue turning two at a time until all the cards.


Musical Chairs

Musical chairsis one of the best games for teaching fast, on-the-spot decisions.
The game is simple:.
1) You’ll need some siblings or friends to play with..
2) Start the game with enough chairs for everyone to sit and place them randomly around the room.
3) When the music plays everyone dances around the room.
4) When the music stops everyone must ru.


Pick Up Sticks

Pick-up sticks is an old favourite.
You can use a set of wooden pick up sticks, skewer sticks, straws or even twigs from the garden.
It requires making a careful decision about which stick to move each time.
Making the wrong decision will result in losing a turn.
This is how you play the game:.
1) Hold the sticks upright in your fist on a table or f.


Stuck on A Deserted Island

Play this game by asking your kids: If you were stuck on a deserted island and you could only take three things with you, what would they be.
This game is more suitable for older preschoolers.
Question your children about their choices to make them think them through carefully.
Give them the option to change their minds until they have settled on t.


Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe, also called naughts and crosses, is one of the simplest yet best games for practising decision making.
Not only do you need to choose squares that will help you get a row of three, but you also need to choose squares to stop your partner from potentially getting three in a row.
It takes a lot of concentration and practice to get good a.


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