Decision making for personal integrity and social responsibility

  • How can we ensure we make ethical decisions based on integrity?

    A Framework for Ethical Decision Making

    1. Identify the Ethical Issues
    2. Get the Facts
    3. Evaluate Alternative Actions
    4. Choose an Option for Action and Test It
    5. Implement Your Decision and Reflect on the Outcome

  • How does ethical decision making and social responsibility relate to sustainability?

    Answer and Explanation:
    The concept of sustainability is very much associated with the decision-making process (right as well as wrong decisions) of each and every individual.
    The concept of ethical decision making is related to human resources and the need to maintain and develop the level of human capital in society..

  • What are the 7 steps to ethical decision making?

    Legal responsibilities

    Identify the problem. #2.
    Apply the code of ethics. #3.
    Determine the nature and dimensions of the dilemma. #4.
    Generate potential courses of action. #5.
    Consider the potential consequences of all options and determine a course of action. #6.
    Evaluate the selected course of action. #7..

  • What are the personal ethics in decision-making?

    Ethical decision-making is based on core character values like trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship.
    Ethical decisions generate ethical behaviors and provide a foundation for good business practices..

  • What is decision-making for social responsibility?

    It means the ability to make caring and constructive choices about how to behave, based on consideration of ethical standards (i.e., “benefits and consequences for personal, social, and collective well-being”) as well as relevant social norms and safety concerns..

  • As businesses continue to grow and expand, it is essential that they remain mindful of the ethical and social responsibilities they have to their stakeholders.
    Doing so will ensure that their actions and decisions align with their corporate values, which can lead to a stronger reputation and more sustainable profits.
  • Responsible decision-making is one of the five components that make up CASEL's model of SEL.
    It means the ability to make positive, constructive decisions about how to behave, based on consideration of ethical standards (i.e., right and wrong) as well as relevant social norms and safety concerns.
"This textbook provides a comprehensive, yet accessible introduction to the ethical issues arising in business." -- Preface. Google BooksOriginally published: March 2, 2007
The authors' goal is to engage students by focusing on relevant and interesting cases and business scenarios and then asking them to look at the issues from an 

How do you make a decision that is ethically responsible?

The first step in making decisions that are ethically responsible is to consider all of the people affected by a decision, the people often called stakeholders.
The first step in making decisions that are ethically responsible is to determine the facts of the situation.
How do you know if a decision is ethical? .


How to develop personal integrity?

Knowing who you are and being open to evaluating your strengths and weaknesses is vitally important toward developing personal integrity.
You need to be honest with yourself.
Are you prone to laziness.
How’s your punctuality.
Are you open to receiving constructive criticism.
Regarding your strengths, are you a person who has a good work ethic? .


Should ethical and socially responsible considerations be integrated into a firm's mission statement?

Ethical and socially responsible considerations should be integrated into the firm's mission statement, as long as top management follows through and commits to supporting a strong ethical climate within the organization.
When considering their marketing strategy, firms should ask not only "can we implement a certain policy?" .


What is integrity in decision making?

Integrity in decision making is crucial to good governance and sustaining public trust.
The community needs to have confidence in the decisions made by public officers.
The integrity in decision making framework outlined below is designed to assist public officers when making decisions. • Do I have the power to make this decision? .

Behavioural code of Quakers

Testimony to integrity and truth refers to the way many members of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) testify or bear witness to their belief that one should live a life that is true to God, true to oneself, and true to others.
To Friends, the concept of integrity includes personal wholeness and consistency as well as honesty and fair dealings.
From personal and inward integrity flow the outward signs of integrity, which include honesty and fairness.
It is not only about telling the truth but also about applying ultimate truth to each situation.
For example, Friends (Quakers) believe that integrity requires avoiding statements that are technically true but misleading.


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