Shared decision making for cataract surgery

  • How do you motivate a patient to go for cataract surgery?

    Promote eye care in general and your services in particular to key groups.
    For example, if you wanted to encourage older adults to come to you for cataract surgery, you could try to reach pensioner groups, old age homes, and so on (see panel, right).
    You could visit them to tell them about your services..

  • What are the choices for cataract operation?

    The first two types of cataract surgery are those found in a modern setting: phacoemulsification and femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS).
    Phacoemulsification is by far the most common type performed in the developed world, with some minor adoption of FLACS..

  • What is an example of shared decision making?

    Shared decision making is a collaborative process that involves a person and their healthcare professional working together to reach a joint decision about care.
    It could be care the person needs straightaway or care in the future, for example, through advance care planning..

  • What is shared decision making in elective surgery?

    SDM reduces decision conflict and improves decision quality for patients making choices about elective surgery.
    While net findings show that SDM may influence patients to choose surgery less often, the impact of SDM on surgical utilization cannot be clearly ascertained..

  • What is the shared approach to decision making?

    The SHARE Approach is a five-step process for shared decisionmaking that includes exploring and comparing the benefits, harms, and risks of each option through meaningful dialogue about what matters most to the patient..

  • Conclusion.
    SDM reduces decision conflict and improves decision quality for patients making choices about elective surgery.
    While net findings show that SDM may influence patients to choose surgery less often, the impact of SDM on surgical utilization cannot be clearly ascertained.
  • The first two types of cataract surgery are those found in a modern setting: phacoemulsification and femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS).
    Phacoemulsification is by far the most common type performed in the developed world, with some minor adoption of FLACS.
Decisions to refer for surgery should not be based on visual acuity alone, but instead on the effect the cataract is having on the patient's visual function and quality of life, and their willingness to have surgery once they understand the risks and benefits.
Decisions to refer for surgery should not be based on visual acuity alone, but instead on the effect the cataract is having on the patient's visual function and quality of life, and their willingness to have surgery once they understand the risks and benefits.

Do patients and surgeons prefer shared decision making?

Limited data regarding patient and surgeon preferences toward shared decision making exists in the surgical literature.
Generally, patients and surgeons expressed preference toward SDM.
For patients, female gender, higher education, and younger age were associated with a preference for SDM.


Should cataract surgery be undertaken on the same basis for first and second eyes?

The decision to undertake cataract surgery should be made on the same basis for first and second eyes.
The following measures can be used to assess the quality of care or service provision specified in the statement.
They are examples of how the statement can be measured, and can be adapted and used flexibly.


What is optimising shared decision-making for high risk major surgery?

In the UK, Optimising Shared Decision-Making for high Risk major Surgery (OSIRIS) is a study at the forefront of SDM in the perioperative period.
OSIRIS aims to explore perceptions of both patients and professionals to inform the development of specific tools to support shared decision-making.


What is shared patient decision-making?

In shared decision-making, patient and provider work together to make decisions about tests, treatments, procedures, and overall care strategy.
In a sense, shared patient decision-making is a form of informed consent, and vice versa.


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