Decision-making tools for aeronautical teams

  • What are the steps for good aeronautical decision-making?

    3-P Model.
    To help pilots better apply the principles of ADM, the FAA adopted the 3-P Model (Perceive — Process — Perform).
    This three-step process offers a simple, systematic approach to accomplishing each ADM task during all phases of flight..

  • What is the aeronautical decision-making model?

    ADM provides a structured, systematic approach to analyzing changes that occur during a flight and how these changes might affect the safe outcome of a flight.
    The ADM process addresses all aspects of decision-making in the flight deck and identifies the steps involved in good decision-making..

  • What is the aeronautical decision-making process?

    ADM provides a systematic approach to the mental processes used by pilots to consistently determine the best course of action in response to a given set of circumstances.
    In other words, ADM is what pilots intend to do based on the latest information they have.
    ADM is a continuous process from preflight to tie-down..

  • What is the decide model used for in aviation?

    The DECIDE model is a six-step continuous loop that provides the pilot with a logical decision-making process.
    DECIDE stands for Detect, Estimate, Choose, Identify, Do, and Evaluate.
    A pilot taking action without using a logical decision-making process can be just as dangerous as a pilot taking no action at all..

  • What is the decision-making process in aviation?

    The pilot decision-making process usually involves 4 steps: • Situational awareness; • Evaluating options; • Choosing from options; and • Start again.
    The speed with which pilots can follow this process will depend largely on the time criticality of a given decision-making situation..

  • Decision making in an aeronautical environment involves any pertinent decision a pilot must make during the conduct of a flight.
    It includes both preflight go/no-go decisions as well as those made during the flight.
  • One such approach involves regular evaluation of: Plan, Plane, Pilot, Passengers, and Programming.
    The point of the .
    1. P approach is not to memorize yet another aviation mnemonic.
    2. You might simply write these words on your kneeboard, or add a reference to .
    3. Ps to your checklist for key decision points during the flight
  • TDODAR is a popular decision-making tool in the aviation industry.
    Pilots often use its six sequential steps to help them solve problems in mid-flight.
Findings from an explorative study on pilots' experiences with FOR-DEC and from a workshop with pilots and experts from non-aviation high-risk domains are 

Do unstructured decision-making processes contribute to accidents?

Many case studies show that unstructured decision-making processes in teams are contributing factors to accidents.
In situations without any preconfigured solutions, airlines have developed decision models.
In our article, we give an overview and comparative analysis of different models.


What are the 6 steps in a pilot's decision-making process?

In Germany and other European countries, one of the most widely used frameworks is FOR-DEC [31, 55].
The acronym concisely captures the six steps that pilots should follow in their decision-making process:

  1. facts
  2. options
  3. risks and benefits
  4. decision
  5. execution
  6. check

Which airlines have developed decision models?

In situations without any preconfigured solutions, airlines have developed decision models.
In our article, we give an overview and comparative analysis of different models.
We discuss FOR-DEC, developed by Lufthansa and the German Aerospace Center.


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