Population transfer sociology definition

  • What is population transfer in sociology?

    Population transfer or resettlement is a type of mass migration, often imposed by state policy or international authority and most frequently on the basis of ethnicity or religion but also due to economic development.
    Banishment or exile is a similar process, but is forcibly applied to individuals and groups..

  • – “Indirect” transfer occurs when the dominant groups makes life for minorities so miserable that they leave. – “Direct” transfer involves using force to move people to new locations.
Population Transfer - The movement of a large group of people from one region to another by state policy or international authority, most frequently on the basis of ethnicity or religion.

How does a population transfer affect a minority group?

Population transfer moves or expels a minority group through direct or indirect transfer.
Indirect transfer forces people to leave by making living conditions unbearable, whereas, direct transfer literally expels minorities by force.
Another form of rejection by the dominant group is a type of colonialism.


What is the difference between genocide and population transfer?

Genocide attempts to destroy a group of people because of their race or ethnicity. “Labeling the targeted group as inferior or even less than fully human facilitates genocide” (Henslin 2011:225).
Population transfer moves or expels a minority group through direct or indirect transfer.


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