Demography meaning in english

  • How do you use the word demography?

    The increase in the number of young people leaving to work in the cities has had a dramatic impact on the demography of the towns..

  • What demographics means?

    Demographics are statistics that describe populations and their characteristics.
    Demographic analysis is the study of a population-based on factors such as age, race, and sex..

  • What is another word for demography?

    On this page you'll find 11 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to demography, such as: anthropology, census-taking, population analysis, population density, population growth, and population size..

  • What is the demography meaning?

    Demography is the study of demographics, the social characteristics and statistics of a human population.
    This study of the size, age structures, and economics of different populations can be used for a variety of purposes.
    Political candidates use the information to inform targeted campaigns..

  • What is the real meaning of demography?

    Demography is the study of demographics, the social characteristics and statistics of a human population.
    This study of the size, age structures, and economics of different populations can be used for a variety of purposes.
    Political candidates use the information to inform targeted campaigns..

demography. noun. de·mog·ra·phy di-ˈmäg-rə-fē : the statistical study of human populations.
demography. noun. de·mog·ra·phy di-ˈmäg-rə-fē plural demographies. : the statistical study of human populations especially with reference to size and density, distribution, and vital statistics.


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