Demography and vital statistics

  • What does vital statistics mean?

    vital statistics noun [plural] (OFFICIAL FACTS)
    a group of official facts that show such things as the number of births, deaths, and marriages in a particular country, area, etc..

  • Why is demographic statistics important?

    Demographic analysis is important because it gives valuable information that can be used to make good decisions in business, government, and social services, among other places.
    It helps people understand the characteristics of a population and how it might change in the future, which is important for making decisions..

Summary - Demography and Vital Statistics Demography uses population censuses, vital statistics, administrative records, and surveys to produce information for characterizing migration (internal and international), as well as fertility and mortality, mainly within national territory.

Can vital statistics explain demographic behavior?

Vital statistics continue to be a prime source of data for identifying overall fertility, marriage, divorce, and mortality trends

But because of the small number of items that are usually included in this type of data, the extent to which these statistics can be used to explain the various facets of demographic behavior is limited

What is a demographic study?

Demography, statistical study of human populations, especially with reference to size and density, distribution, and vital statistics (births, marriages, deaths, etc


Contemporary demographic concerns include the “population explosion,” the interplay between population and economic development,

What is the population and Vital Statistics report?

The Population and Vital Statistics Report presents most recent data on population size (total, male and female) from the latest available census of the population, national official population estimates and the number and rate (births, deaths and infant deaths) for the latest available year within the past 15 years

Demography uses population censuses, vital statistics, administrative records, and surveys to produce information for characterizing migration (internal and international), as well as fertility and mortality, mainly within national territory.
Demography and vital statistics
Demography and vital statistics
This is a demography of the population of Bhutan including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.
Demographic features of the population of Serbia include vital statistics

Demographic features of the population of Serbia include vital statistics

Demographic features of the population of Serbia include vital statistics, ethnicity, religious affiliations, education level, health of the populace, and other aspects of the population.

Accumulated data on the vital events of a country's population

Vital statistics is accumulated data gathered on live births, deaths, migration, foetal deaths, marriages and divorces.
The most common way of collecting information on these events is through civil registration, an administrative system used by governments to record vital events which occur in their populations.
Efforts to improve the quality of vital statistics will therefore be closely related to the development of civil registration systems in countries.
Civil registration followed the practice of churches keeping such records since the 19th century.


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