Demography definition geography

  • What is the definition of demographic change in geography?

    Demographic change describes the changes in population size and structure caused by changes in birth rates, death rates, and by migration.
    Demographic change in the Western developed countries of today is marked by low birth rates below population replacement and by rising life expectancy..

  • What is the simple definition of demography?

    Demography is the scientific study of human populations primarily with respect to their size, their structure and their development; it takes into account the quantitative aspects of their general characteristics..

  • Who defined demography?

    In 1855, a Belgian scholar Achille Guillard defined demography as the natural and social history of human species or the mathematical knowledge of populations, of their general changes, and of their physical, civil, intellectual, and moral condition..

What is a demographic process?

Demography is the study of three basic processes: fertility, migra- tion, and mortality

These are referred to as the demographic processes

In an important sense, that is really all there is to demography

When popula- tions change in size, composition, or distribution, the changes depend solely on one or more of these three demographic processes

demography (dɪˈmɒɡrəfɪ) n (Human Geography) the scientific study of human populations, esp with reference to their size, structure, and distributionA student of population geography is a demographer. According to Hausar and Duncan, 1976, the study of demography is the study of the size, territorial distribution and the composition of the population and the changing theories that take place in such things as; fertility, mortality territorial movements (migration), ...Demography in geography covers population definitions and characteristics, formal models, sources of population data, processes of demographic change and associated indicators, models for projecting the population, and implications for societies across the globe. Most demographic analysis examines countries; some ...demography [ (di- mog-ruh-fee) ] The quantitative study of human populations. Demographers study subjects such as the geographical distribution of people, birth and death rates, socioeconomic status, and age and sex distributions in order to identify the influences on population growth, structure, and development.Demography examines the size, structure, and movements of populations over space and time. It uses methods from history, economics, anthropology, sociology, and other fields. Demography is useful for governments and private businesses as a means of analyzing and predicting social, cultural, and economic trends related ...


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