Demography easy definition

  • What is demography in simple words?

    Demography is the science of populations.
    Demographers seek to understand population dynamics by investigating three main demographic processes: birth, migration, and aging (including death)..

  • The study of human populations is called demography.
    Populations are always changing.
    The most basic reasons populations change are births, deaths, and migrations.
    Migration is the movement from one place to another.
Demography easy definition
Demography easy definition
Demographic features of the population of Burundi include population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects.
Demographic features of the population of Mali include population density

Demographic features of the population of Mali include population density

Demographic features of the population of Mali include population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations and other aspects of the population.
Demographic features of the population of Romania include population density

Demographic features of the population of Romania include population density

Demographic features of the population of Romania include population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations, and other aspects of the population.


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