Demography of assam

  • What is the demographic of Assam?

    As per 2011 census, Assam state had around 31.2 million people, out of which (15 million) were Assamese speakers comprising 48% of the state population, while (9 million) were Bengali speakers comprising 29% of the state population, and 3.21% spoke Hindi and its dialects..

  • What is the demographic situation of Assam?

    According to the Census of India,2011 the population of Assam was 312.05 lakh of which 159.39 lakh were male and 152.66 lakh were female.
    The projected population (released by Census of India ) of Assam in 2022 is found as 353.78 lakh of which 180.06lakh are male and 173.71lakh are female..

  • What is the main causes of population in Assam?

    Explanation: The migration of immigrants in Assam is the major reason for the increase in population.
    A large number of refugees from the Eastern side of Pakistan have migrated to Assam which has led to increase in population..

  • What is the main ethnic group of Assam?

    Diverse tribes like Bodo, Kachari, Karbi, Miri, Mishimi, Rabha, etc co-exist in Assam; most tribes have their own languages though Assamese is the principal language of the state.
    A majority of the Assamese are Vaishnavas (a sect of Hinduism)..

  • What is the main religion in Assam?

    Hinduism constitutes 61.47% of Assam population.
    In all Hindu form majority religion in 18 out of 27 districts of Assam state.
    The data for 2022 & 2023 is under process and will be updated in few weeks.
    Muslim Population in Assam is 1.07 Crore (34.22 percent) of total 3.12 Crore..

  • What is the percentage of Muslims in Assam?

    Muslim percentage have increased from 12.4% in 1901 to 34.22% in 2011 (which is a sharp rise of 21.82% for past 120 years).
    In 2021, some estimates have placed Assam's Muslim population at about 14 million, out of 35 million total population, thus making up 40% of the state population..

  • What is the racial composition of Assam?

    The people of the enchanting state of Assam are an intermixture of various racial stocks such as Mongoloid, Indo-Burmese, Indo-Iranian and Aryan.
    The Assamese culture is a rich and exotic tapestry of all these races evolved through a long assimilative process..

  • What is the ratio of Muslims in Assam?

    Muslim population of Assam was 24% in 1951, which have eventually increased to 35% in 2011 Census respectively.
    As far as for upcoming 2021 census, it has been estimated that present Muslim population in Assam is over 40%, which have gone up from 35% in comparison to the previous decade of 2011 census respectively..

  • The 2011 census recorded that the literacy level of Muslims in Assam was 62% compared to 78% among Hindus and that barely 1.7% of Muslims were graduates or above compared to 5% among Hindus.
  • The correct answer is 2.58%.
    According to the 2011 census, the total population of Assam is 3.12 crores.
    Thus the population of Assam in 2011 is 2.58 percent of India.
    The total area of Assam is 78,438 sq km.
As per 2011 census, Assam state had around 31.2 million people, out of which (15 million) were Assamese speakers comprising 48% of the state population, while (9 million) were Bengali speakers comprising 29% of the state population, and 3.21% spoke Hindi and its dialects.
The population of Assam consist of tribal ethnic groups and linguistic groups such as Assamese, Bengali, Hindi speakers and Nepali. Contents.ReligionDemographyDemographic changesIllegal Immigration
The population of Assam consist of tribal ethnic groups and linguistic groups such as Assamese, Bengali, Hindi speakers and Nepali. Contents.


Religion in Assam is closely related to ethnicity, closely around 65% of Assamese people, 90% of Bodo tribe, 83% of Karbi tribe, 95% of Ahom tribe


The issue of illegal influx has a 40-year history

See also

• People of Assam• Miya people• Bengali Hindus in


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