Historical demography examples

  • What is the historical function of demography?

    Historical demography is the quantitative study of the size and structure of past populations, the components of population change (fertility, mortality, and migration), and the factors that influenced them..

  • Demographic history is the reconstructed record of human population in the past.
    Given the lack of population records prior to the 1950s, there are many gaps in our record of demographic history.
    Historical demographers must make do with estimates, models and extrapolations.

What are some examples of historical demography?

Notable examples are Josiah Russell’s ( 1948) classic British Medieval Population, John Brownlee’s ( 1915) study of birth and death rates in England and Wales beginning in 1570, and Talbot Griffith’s ( 1926) Population Problems of theAgeof Malthus

There are important continuities between these works and later studies in historical demography

Who created historical demography?

Although it is widely accepted that historical demography was established by the French demographer L

Henry in the 1950s, interest in population history had existed long before the twentieth century, and many researchers engaged in the study of past population changes and made great contributions to the development of historical demography


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