Demographic document update

  • How do I check my demographic update online?

    Steps for Checking Aadhaar Update Status Online

    1. Go to the website www
    2. and open the home page of the website.
    3. You are the main page of Aadhaar's official website
    4. Click “Check Demographic Updates Online Status” and a new page will open
    5. The OTP is received on the mobile number linked with Aadhaar

  • What is demographic data update?

    Demographic Details (Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Email address, Relationship status, Information Sharing Consent and Address) in Aadhaar can be updated offline as well as online.
    Date of Birth (DOB) can be updated only once..

  • What is online demographic update?

    Updating demographic details (Name, Address, DoB, Gender, Mobile Number, Email) online involves uploading Proof of Identity (PoI) and Proof of Address (PoA) documents to revalidate a user's information.
    This is especially useful for those whose Aadhaar card was issued over a decade ago.Mar 22, 2023.

  • What is the difference between demographics update and biometric update?

    in general major demographics are age and sex, then marital status, residence, number of children, while biometrics are more personal—height, weight, lungs' volume, etc..

  • Update Client Lite (UCL) is a Demographic Update Client/Software developed by UIDAI through which a resident can update his/her demographic details like Name, Address, Mobile, Email ID, etc.
    VLEs without enrollment machines can update resident's “Aadhaar demographic” details through Digital Seva CSC portal.
Mar 17, 2023If there is a need to change demographic details such as name, date of birth, address, etc, the residents can use regular online update service, 
Mar 17, 2023In the next screen, the resident has to choose proof of identity and proof of address document from the dropdown list and upload the copies of 

What are the current and projected demographic changes?

Current and projected demographic changes, i


, population growth and aging of the population Current and projected supply of practitioners and their geographic distribution by specialty Costs/benefits of increasing professional-to-population ratios versus prevention, health promotion measures

What are the fiscal implications of demographic change?

One such issue concerns the fiscal implications for governments and for retirement and taxation policy responses to demographic change

Governments in most countries have extensive taxation, welfare, and transfer programs that will be impacted by demographic change in the form of an aging population

What is the EU demography toolbox?

On 11 October 2023, the European Commission presented a demography toolbox , which consists of a set of policy tools to support EU countries to manage their demographic change and its impacts on their societies and economies


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