Demography as a discipline

  • Is demography an interdisciplinary subject?

    Owing to this wide breadth, the field of demography is inherently interdisciplinary, drawing from diverse fields such as anthropology, biology, economics, geography, history, medicine, public health, public policy and sociology..

  • What are the sub disciplines of demography?

    These subdisciplines include anthropological, economic, family, historical, mathematical, paleo, spatial, and social demography, as well as bio-demography and population studies..

  • What is the study of human population as a discipline known as?

    Demography is the statistical study of human populations.
    Demographers use census data, surveys, and statistical models to analyze the size, movement, and structure of populations..

  • Owing to this wide breadth, the field of demography is inherently interdisciplinary, drawing from diverse fields such as anthropology, biology, economics, geography, history, medicine, public health, public policy and sociology.

Is demography a slow discipline?

Not by chance, the typical demographic paradigm depicts demography as a “slow” discipline, assessing phenomena that change over extended time spans and follow relatively “predictable” patterns, in line with the epidemiological and demographic transitions

This view is still partially correct, at least at the global level

Demography is the study of human populations, in particular their size and composition, and how they change through fertility (births), migration, aging, and mortality (deaths). Demography also includes analysis of the economic, social, environmental, and biological causes and consequences of population change.Demography is the study of a human population, a definable group of people, and of additions to and subtractions from its number. A population is increased by births and immigration and decreased by deaths and emigration. In a "closed population," there is no migration and attention is paid only to reproduction and mortality.


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