Demographic downturn

  • Are we at risk of population collapse?

    Some of the most reliable projections, Cohen said, come from demographers with the UN.
    Their latest estimate shows the global population will plateau at around 11 billion people by 2100..

  • How do populations grow and decline?

    Overall, population grows or shrinks through two very basic components: natural change (births minus deaths) and migration (domestic plus international).
    As illustrated in this blog, the balance between these components is unique in each area, while following general patterns across states or regions..

  • Is underpopulation a threat?

    While the global population of humans will continue to rise for at least another forty years, demographic trends in full force today make it clear that a much bigger existential threat lies in global underpopulation..

  • What are some possible results of a demographic collapse?

    The possible impacts of a declining population that leads to permanent recession are: Decline in basic services and infrastructure.
    If the GDP of a community declines, there is less demand for basic services such as hotels, restaurants and shops.
    The employment in these sectors then suffers..

  • What are the main factor that affects the population's decline?

    Factors that cause a population to decrease in size include mortality and emigration.
    Mortality is the ratio of the number of deaths to the size of a population and includes the death rate, or number of individuals that die per 1,000 individuals in a population..

  • What is demographic decline?

    A reduction over time in a region's population can be caused by sudden adverse events such as outbursts of infectious disease, famine, and war or by long-term trends, for example, sub-replacement fertility, persistently low birth rates, high mortality rates, and continued emigration..

  • What is the demographic crisis in Europe?

    The European Union is on the brink of a major demographic shift as new projections suggest a significant population decline by the end of the century.
    The estimates from Eurostat signal the bloc could see its population shrink by 6 per cent, or 27.3 million people, by 2100.Sep 8, 2023.

  • Which populations are declining?

    Bulgaria's population is expected to decline by 22.5% from 6.9 million in 2020 to 5.4 million in 2050. Lithuania.
    The Lithuanian population is projected to shrink by 22.1% over the next three decades. Latvia. Ukraine. Serbia. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatia. Moldova..

  • The European Union is on the brink of a major demographic shift as new projections suggest a significant population decline by the end of the century.
    The estimates from Eurostat signal the bloc could see its population shrink by 6 per cent, or 27.3 million people, by 2100.Sep 8, 2023
  • The possible impacts of a declining population that leads to permanent recession are: Decline in basic services and infrastructure.
    If the GDP of a community declines, there is less demand for basic services such as hotels, restaurants and shops.
    The employment in these sectors then suffers.
Causes. A reduction over time in a region's population can be caused by sudden adverse events such as outbursts of infectious disease, famine, and war or by long-term trends, for example, sub-replacement fertility, persistently low birth rates, high mortality rates, and continued emigration.
Population decline, also known as depopulation, is a reduction in a human population size. Throughout history, Earth's total human population has continued  Demographic transitionEconomic consequences of Income and fertility
Population decline, also known as depopulation, is a reduction in a human population size. Throughout history, Earth's total human population has continued  Economic consequences of Demographic transitionIncome and fertility


Population decline, also known as depopulation, is a reduction in a human population size. Throughout history


A reduction over time in a region's population can be caused by sudden adverse events such as outbursts of infectious disease, famine

Possible consequences

Predictions of the net economic (and other) effects from a slow and continuous population decline (e.g

Contemporary decline by country

The table below shows the countries that have been affected by population decline between 2010 and 2020

Resumed declines

Countries whose population declines halted temporarily

Is the European Union on the brink of a major demographic shift?

We break down the data

The European Union is on the brink of a major demographic shift as new projections suggest a significant population decline by the end of the century

The estimates from Eurostat signal the bloc could see its population shrink by 6 per cent, or 27

3 million people, by 2100

What is demographic transition (DT)?

This phenomenon is the result of the so-called Demographic Transition (DT) that began with the economic and social advances brought with the extension and consolidation of the Industrial Revolution and its processes of urbanisation (Livi-Bacci 2012)

Will the 20th century be the end of the demographic transition?

The twenty-first century will mark the end of the demographic transition, seeing the population stabilise and then age

This trend will hit the most developed countries first; those that are economically further behind may reach the end of their transition towards the close of this century

Demographic downturn
Demographic downturn

Demographics of the U.S. state


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