Demography social issues brainly

  • Answer: A social issue is a problem that influences many citizens within a society.
    It is a common problem in present-day society and one that many people strive to solve.
    It is often the consequence of factors extending beyond an individual's control.
Problems like slum areas, polluted air and water, crime, addiction to liquor, juvenile delinquency, and prostitution, are also important subjects of study in demography. Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects: Along with the quantitative problems of population, the qualitative problems also form part of population studies.

Social demography emerged as a prime tool to isolate, explain, and predict factors influencing social issues such as residential segregation, unemployment, and income gaps between status groups. Sociology and social demography developed in tandem over the course of the twentieth century.

What is the social issue of demography? Contemporary demographic concerns include the “population explosion,” the interplay between population and economic development, the effects of birth control, urban congestion, illegal immigration, and labour force statistics.

The demographic boom and uneven population growth in different regions lead to the aggravation of associated global problems, for example:

  • demographic pressure on the environment;
  • ethnic and intercultural problems (interethnic and intercultural conflicts);

Strong social change movements have often been influenced by demographic changes, including:

  • Ending poverty and hunger
  • Expanding healthcare in developing nations
  • Reforming education quality and accessibility
  • Championing gender and racial equality


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