Dendrology careers

JOB DESCRIPTION: Dendrology is a branch of science that specialises in the study of woody plants such as trees. Dendrologists know how to identify and categorise different trees. They work to protect woodland environments and spend a lot of time working outdoors.

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What can I do with a degree in dendrology?

There are a number of applications for dendrology, with dendrologists working in environments which vary from lumber companies to environmental organizations

Training in this field is offered at a number of colleges and universities around the world

As with other aspects of botany, one area of interest in dendrology is decisive identification

What is Dendrology in botany?

What is Dendrology? Dendrology is a subfield of botany which focuses on the study of woody plants

Many people often take the term “dendrology” to refer specifically to the study of trees, although it can encompass shrubs and woody vines as well

They collect samples of the trees and shrubs and continue their research work in a laboratory. On completion of their course, dendrologists can seek out for career in Environment Protection agencies, Forestry, private organizations, paper-manufacturing industries, Government or other non-profit organizations.


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