Dental anatomy chapter 8 quizlet

  • What is the hardest calcified substance in the body?

    Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body and contains the highest percentage of minerals, 96%, with water and organic material composing the rest.
    The primary mineral is hydroxyapatite, which is a crystalline calcium phosphate..

  • Which teeth have four cusps?

    First Molars – The mandibular first molars (tooth S, L) have four cusps: two buccal and two lingual.
    These include the distobuccal, distolingual, mesiolingual, and mesiobuccal cusps.
    The occlusal surface is narrow secondary to mesiobuccal and mesiolingual cusp convergence..

  • Variation by tooth type
    Anterior teeth are genetically evolved to help incise food; they have incisal edges and single roots to guide excursive mandibular movements.
    Posterior teeth are evolved to crush and grind food; they have cusps and multiple roots to support biting loads.

What are the main parts of the mouth anatomy?

The main parts of the mouth anatomy include the following: The Lips are the soft parts of tissue that form the anterior boundary of the mouth

They can seal the oral cavity and contribute in several behavioral expressions such as kissing or laughing

The Cheeks form the sidewalls of the mouth

What is an overview of dental anatomy?

An Overview of Dental Anatomy will provide an overview of dental anatomy, including the primary and permanent dentitions, normal facial and intraoral anatomy and the anatomy of the periodontium

This information can be used as a review in order to compare findings outside of the normal

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What is the function of the oral cavity Quizlet?

A major function of the oral cavity (including the teeth and tongue) is to comminute food through the coordinated action of the tongue, teeth, and jaw and facial muscles

This greatly enhances the surface area of the food to allow for the action of digestive enzymes


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